SOTAData3 (Part 1)

Those of you logging into SOTAData today will notice that there’s been a bit of an update! Introducing SOTAData3. This has been worked over the past year by myself and tested by my trusty band of beta testers, and is now ready to be released. While I thank all the beta testers that contributed feedback, I want to particularly thank Andrew @VK1AD, Joe @OE5JFE, Peter @VK3ZPF and Andrew @VK1DA who have contributed particularly heavily to finding bugs and ironing out the rough edges, while offering great suggestions on improvements.

Some folks may have some delays while DNS catches up, and if you don’t like the new version or there’s some bugs (and there will still be bugs), you can access the old version at

So what’s new?


The colour scheme and layout has been adjusted to be consistent with other SOTA infrastructure, and just given a freshen up in general.


Single upload screen

Screenshot from 2023-04-16 11-53-27

The Uploads screen has been dramatically altered to combine all the myriad ways you could update information. You can add Chaser QSOs or Activations using the manual method, or you can import CSV and ADIF files into an upload. Indeed, you can import multiple CSVs or ADIFs for different activations and check them before submitting!

Once you verify and submit, everything will be added to an upload that can be managed via the Manage Uploads button. No need to ever manually delete an activation and all the S2Ss one by one any more.


All of your entries are saved until you submit too! Did your browser crash halfway through entering a 50 QSO manual activation? Cry no more, as you will now be prompted to restore your session when you return.

Statistics page

The other big change from SOTAData2 is the Statistics page. If you are logged in, this is now the default page. You will see your Activator and Chaser statistics, latest logs and activity graphs, but also, your badges!


“Badges? We don’t need no steenking badges!” I hear you cry. Well, now you have some other items to achieve. Most importantly for Barry GM4TOE our humble awards manager, this will show you if you have achieved a particular Award and the date you did so since a lot of people struggle with getting that bit right when ordering. There are already over 250 badges you can achieve for activating and chasing, and we’ll keep adding more as time goes by. Click on the badge to be taken through to details about it and recent awardees.

Logs page

Latest logs

By default, users are now shown their latest logs. This allows you to quickly move to a recent activation or chase. It also allows people who are returning to SOTA to see what their last entries were.

Log editing

Yes! You can now edit logs - providing those logs were uploaded using an “upload” capable method in SOTAData2. This is logs that were from CSV or ADIF files, or logs that were uploaded direct from SOTAWatch3’s Log Chaser button. All new logs in SOTAData3 are automatically “upload capable”. If you can edit it, there’ll now be a pencil next to the log entry. If you can’t, you can still delete.

View Activation/Chase Mapping

Activation and Chaser mapping is integrated directly into SOTAData3 now. This uses details provided from user profiles and to locate the other side of the QSO on the map. Click on the map icon beside your activation/chase in the logs page to bring up the map. Other features of SOTAMaps are coming soon.

Summits pages

The summits pages from are integrated into the database now. No more duplication of information between the two sites! Links to should flow through automatically into pages on SOTAData3.

But what else is new?

Often Activated With

Ever wondered if there’s a regular summit round or pairing that should be considered? Each page now contains a short summary of the top 3 summits that are often activated on the same day as the summit you are looking at. This should help with finding potential other summits that may not be obvious from looking at mapping alone.


Summit Tags

That summit looks like it’s a drive up. Is it a drive up? Activators can now add tags to articles to help categorise summits. These are tied to articles/links as the expectation is that you provide information to justify the tag and help people understand why it’s being set. For example, if it’s accessible by public transport, then give details on the bus or train that gets you there. If there are potential access restrictions, give details on why.

Flag an article

Found an article that’s no longer relevant or out of date. Found a link that’s broken? You can now flag articles with issues by clicking on the flag icon after each article. If there’s a potential issue, a red flag now appears by the article and you can hover over to understand why.


Thanks for the updated page. Very smiko and pretty.
Interesting showing all the individual stats too.
Ian vk5cz …

It looks really good, many thanks. Leaves all the other schemes (POTA etc) far behind.

That’s a nice surprise!
Just amazing - thanks a lot for this new data display.
Martin DF3MC


Many thanks


Leigh VK3SG

Fantastic improvement … love it !

Thank you for all the hard work, and looks great! 73, James WA7JNJ

Hi Andrew,
it was a pleasure and a privilege to help with the testing. I was amazed at the detailed testing others did, and totally blown away by Turbo Joe OE5JFE who seemed to work all day and night with a myriad of tests and issues raised. Does he ever sleep? Anyway I think my favourite new feature is the badges, or is it the ability to view the summit comments submitted? I don’t know, there are so many new ideas implemented. I think each user will gradually find new features and marvel at them!

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA


All perfect, editing was a required feature.
Many thanks

Nice update Andrew.

I have some questions about badges:

  • Is there a list of badges to work towards? I can only see the badges I already have.
  • When I click on a badge it doesn’t give me any info on why I was awarded it. For example, it tells me when I got the Lazenby badge but not which 007 summit it was awarded for.
  • Shouldn’t the badge for the first 007 summit be a Connery?

Any chance of being able to download a log in ADIF format?

It looks great. And a lot af new data to display and to play with.

Thanks for the improvement.

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW.

It’s on the feature list.

I’ll add to the feature list, but basically, it’ll be the first one - look in your log on that date!

Oh no, the symbolism is much deeper than that! :smiley: (hint: your next 007 badge is the Dalton)

Not at this point, but I can add it to the bug list.

This is a challenge!. I can see why Lazenby is first as he is Australian. Dalton was born in Wales - perhaps you have Welsh ancestors. Or maybe it’s in order of how good you think they were but clearly you are wrong as it is Connery, Craig.

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OK, so it is much simpler than I expected. Not deep at all.

But what badge do you get for 3 007 summits?

You don’t! :smiley:

The improvements look great but with so many things for activators to provide us chasers with I fear activators could spend more time writing reports than activating. I suppose one upside there will be less time for some of the more obscure reports that never fail to amuse me and make me chuckle every time I read them. But seriously the guys in the management team do a fantastic job providing a great website you should be proud of yourselves

Many Thanks
Brian MM1HMZ


Hi Brian - it’s all a matter of routine.
I have documented every single qualified SOTA activation that I have ever made (and a couple of the failed ones as well).

  • Transpose logs from portable log to main station log.
  • Type log into SOTACSV program and submit the log to the database
  • Take a screenshot of the log for the write-up
  • Transfer photos from camera or smartphone to PC, reduce their pixel size
  • Write a report to my blog site of the activation, including the log and slideshow of the pictures.
  • Add a link to the blogsite article to the appropriate SOTA summit(s) page(s).

How long can all that take …

I’ve had other activators thank me as they use it to help the preparation of their activation of the summit - so it’s worth it.

I do agree with the comment though, that the GREAT work that Andrew @VK3ARR has done makes it easier to find these reports and lots of other factors.

73 Ed.


I agree, what a fantastic job. Plenty for me to play around with.
How do I add a summit to summit entry. It was via the chaser log, but not sure now. Do I have to add a chase and an activation entry.
I notice on the mapping some call signs are missing names and a couple of G callsigns ended up in the Indian Ocean. They are in the data. I assume this was from how the data was entered originally.
Well done again. Looking forward to having a detailed look on a damp day.
John, G4TQE

Add it as part of the activation and it handles it automatically