unable to upload log

Continuing the discussion from SOTAData3 (Part 1):

I am unable to upload activator log on the new page.
after entring the QSOs message comes “you have invalid entries in your table”…

what is my wrongdoing ??

tnx kurt HB9AFI

Had the same problem.
Go back to the edit mode and check all entries for typos, missing time, unvalid summits, ect.

Can you post a screencopy?

73 Chris


Is there a red mark for an entry (e.g. because of a non-consecutive time entry)?

Just got the report from Sebastian @DL8MEK that he is also getting a strange error message stating that the S2S summit is not valid. Although he checked multiple times and all of them are valid.

UPDATE: I check the list and found that DM/HE-004 is indeed invalid.

@VK3ARR : Maybe this check should happen in the verify stage and not on submission of the log.

  • another request is to make the mode and band fields a bit wider so that the content can be displayed properly. Thanks

on verify stage error information is displayed if reference is wrong (never was in use) lik DK/BM-xxx - in such case edit is not enough, you must edit original file and upload it again from another window of the browser.
The above I did yesterday.

73, Jarek

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Hi Jarek,

Can you provide more information on the steps done?
I understood:

  • Upload via csv file?
  • Error indicated that summit is invalid
  • You corrected the summit
  • Verify log button
  • Submit still failed because of wrong reference?

Joe, 100% yes, and I have no time to repeat it, I just edited the file and uploaded it from another window of the browser without any problem.

If such case will happen again I will do screenshots and present detail report here.

73, Jarek

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I did not succeed , so I uploaded again using old sotadata…

Hi Kurt,

Could you take some screenshots please? This will help me understand what you are trying to upload. If you use old sotadata, I can’t tease out from the logs what is submitted to new and what is submitted to old.

EDIT: I took a guess - expand the activation by clicking on the right down-arrow and you can see you have an extra line in your activation with no callsign or time.


already cancelled