Ofcom consultation (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Ofcom consultation (Part 1) - #101 by M6GYU.

Previous discussions:

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When I read the Ofcom document, I was struck by the number of times it said ā€œthis is not a regulatory concernā€ or words to that effect.
Meaning, I think, that it is not for them to organise our hobby, its up to us. eg if we are allowed to include E as a regional identifier, its up to us to decide whether that is a good idea or not - we donā€™t have to.

How we get all UK amateurs to agree good practice, and then adopt it with good grace, is not Ofcomā€™s problem.

I did think of consulting with the National Society of Cat Herders, but apparently they havenā€™t managed to arrange their inaugural meeting yet :smiley:


I think youā€™ll find it applies to all UK stations operating in England as the wording is

ā€œhence we propose that the RSL ā€˜Eā€™ be available for use by any station, when operating in England (clubs operating in England may already choose to use the RSL ā€˜Xā€™).ā€


I cant see Echo being confused with Golf. Letā€™s level the playing field and make RSLā€™s mandatory for all. :slightly_smiling_face:


Of course not. but M & E = which is what I was refering to, might well be.


Having an E in your callsign makes you much more conscious of your inter-character spacing on CW. Oh, and Iā€™ve had the M at the start of my callsign mis-heard as both a G and a W before now, even though Iā€™m usually using a macro to send it and therefore itā€™s not me mis-keying itā€¦ :wink:


I already get enough stations replying to me and insisting I am ā€œG1EYPā€. If I started using ME1EYP it would be carnage on CW!

Anyway, it isnā€™t happening. There is no proposal to make the E mandatory, nor to prohibit continued use of RSLs. I imagine the vast majority will continue to use the callsign they are most associated with.

What people do when they visit over a UK border will probably be more variable, but again I expect most of us will continue to do what we have always done.


If the E is introduced the start of my callsign will become ME0W. :slight_smile:


Could we just eliminate ā€œEā€ from all callsigns please - asking for a friend


Just listen to any of the OE or EA stations and you hear the slight timing change they have introduced to make that E stand out. And thereā€™s Heinzā€™s sending which is perfectly adapted so none of his Es disappear in OE5EEP.


I have a friend who would like either S or H to be banned.


I add in a slight timing change to make my E stand out


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Off Topic butā€¦

Spacing and timing is so important in CW! I lost a point in the RSGB 80m CW Contest I did this month as G4BP. My semi-break in delay was set to my everyday speed of 300 milliseconds.

The station I heard and logged as GC4H should have been read as PC4H. So in future contests I must remember to reduce the semi-break in delay to 200 ms or even less. Whilst I enjoy using full break in with the Elecraft KX3 when activating, FBI is not as effective on the Yaesu transceiver which I use in the shackā€¦

73 Phil G4OBK


I never used to have a problem with S and H but do if listening to 20+wpm Morse.

I appreciate it when folk do this as I frequently miss the ā€˜eā€™ in machine-sent Morse (like in my Morse apps).

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And, todayā€™s the day.

Optional RSLs (including E) and kW power levels.

Just out of curiosity; if I get my beloved to operate my station as G6PJZ/XYL, can I still claim the points or will she need her own account? :wink: (It would help with food or comfort breaks)


Details in a General Notice posted on [Licensing updates - Ofcom]

Updated documents should be available via [https://www.ofcom.org.uk/manage-your-licence/radiocommunication-licences/amateur-radio/amateur-radio-info]

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Everything changes, yet nothing has changed.


So on my activation tomorrow Iā€™ll be GE4TGJ/P running 1kW.


Iā€™ll not be using ME0LEP/P any time soon. I have enough trouble with that leading M being mistaken for a G or a W as it is, without adding an extra ditā€¦ :wink: