Ex Royal Naval Radio Operator. 1966-74. Only interested in CW really. My kit is a YouKits HB1-B 4strong text band radio plus SOTA Beams linked dipole. Oh, and a morse key. But in fairness I do now own two Baofangs or whatever they are. I’ll use them one day. Its fair to describe me as having little technical ability when it comes to what goes on inside a radio and my only ambition is to get my Intermediate licence, but so far 10 watts does it for me. (I’ve had my share of using 1kw and more in the RN)
Outside of this I enjoy mountaineering, walking, (I’ve led 3 Coast to Coast walks, the Kerry Way in Ireland etc., ) birdwatching, wildlife, canoeing which has taken me to one of the most remote places on earth - the Thelon river in NWT in Canada. I’ve climbed in the Alps
I’ve also been to the world’s most remote inhabited Island - Tristan Dah Cunha. (and more)
I feel very privileged!
Two Blogs:- www.wallsandhedges.blogspot.co.uk which is what I do for a living.
And www.davidwperry.blogspot.co.uk which is stuff I get interested in.