Building a LoRa APRS 439Mhz iGate (Part 4)

Continuing the discussion from Building a LoRa APRS 439Mhz iGate (Part 3) - #100 by MM0FMF.

Previous discussions:

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A problem I have with my HelTec iGate is that it’s high up the back of the garden with a nice 70cms co-linear that can see the countryside nicely, but it has a diddy little helical WiFi antenna, and it’s less than great at staying connected to the WiFi, especially when the weather’s a bit damp. Has anyone found a way to add an external WiFi antenna to the board?

I found a hack for a Pi Zero 2W which had a similar problem, and it now gets the WiFi mostly just fine, and looks like this…
…but the Pi Zero 2W has pads on its board to allow a socket to be soldered on. The HelTec iGate board does not… :confused:

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The Heltec Wireless Stick Lite boards have a second U.FL socket on board, for connection of an external 2.4GHz WiFi/Bluetooth antenna.
However, there’s no convenient way to disconnect the on-board slot antenna - you’d have to get in with a scaplel and cut the track?

Yeah, that was the way with the Pi Zero too…

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I have a similar problem, with my tower some 20m from the house. I thought about uncoiling the WiFi antenna and if necessary adding or trimming to 3cm for a quarter wave end fed. Probably can’t be any worse as an antenna and should really be a lot better than the silly little coil.

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G5OLD-7 is up and running, used it on the hills over the past few days and working great! Thanks for everyone’s help.

Made contact with many gates, with a 135mile contact on Fan Brechienhog GW/SW-003 to @M0JKS Dave’s Digipeater on dark peak.

Well impressed with this for 70cm- Is this as good as it gets ?


It works over 400km on line-of-sight paths:


My iGate has been seeing a lot more traffic than usual over the last few days. I suspect there’s been some slightly unusual UHF propagation, perhaps down to the weather?


Perhaps - 2m VHF has been really good in the last few days. Really good propagation

One of my digipeaters relayed a packet at 220 km. Stable ducting.

What’s interesting is that my 135mile contact with M0JKS-1 was as I was coming up through the cloud layers, not while I was on the summit.

I not experienced enough to know if this is conditions for ducting but certainly some of the best conditions I’ve had in the brecons….


Fantastic views!

We, I guess, have been sitting underneath all that cloud for the last several days…

There was lots of tropo on 6cms/3cms a day or so ago in the S. of England to France.

I’m giving my tracker and igate a first SOTA test tomorrow (30/12) on G/DC-008 late morning.

The igate will think it is still at home as I haven’t changed the coordinates but I don’t think this should stop it working.

I recall reading about a mobile igate earlier in this thread but I haven’t seen anything more about it.


Things went well with my first SOTA trial of the iGate and tracker on G/DC-008 today. The iGate was in my campervan, connected to a cheap 70cm mag mount on the roof and registered on the 'vans Wi-Fi which is generated by a Teltonika broadband router.

The tracker was in a side pocket of my rucksack.

I was tracked most of the way to the summit, only losing the signal near the summit, which has a flat top. In the screenshot below the walk is from the road on the left towards the right.

I forgot to turn the tracker off on the return so it tracked me back home except for a gap in the middle. Given the rucksack was on the floor of the 'van I’m impressed the GPS worked at all!


I just visited the LoRa APRS Wikki and noticed this inactivity marker.
Hopefully my visit has just reset the inactivity marker.
But it looks like it’s a use it or lose it situation.

Just looking at the stations my LoRa picked up and shows two DigiPeaters that made contact with my iGate.

M0MZB-15 and MB7ULU-2. Would these be DigiPeaters just be repeating a LoRa signal?


It would be their periodic position beacons which you heard John.

By the way, I saw that yours was one of the many iGates which picked up packets from Polish pico-balloon SP2ROC-11 yesterday morning, as it was flying 11km above the Irish Sea:

This one was cycling its LoRa beacons between 439.9125 and 433.775
It was launched just before Christmas and has been right around the globe since then!


Thanks, that explains that then. I did’nt see SP2ROC-11 in my LoRa list from above - how are you seeing that my LoRa picked up SP2 ?

This Grafana page from the Amateur SondeHub shows all the receivers which picked it up yesterday (there are a lot, so you’ll need to scroll down!)
The usual APRS web-pages just attribute each packet to a single receiver - whichever was fastest to upload to the Server.