Which radio do you use to activate on HF (POLL)

… then we should definitely ask about the color (e.g. black, blue, red, yellow, green, … others) … :sweat_smile:

My two others are 3S4 vacuum tube oscillator with A and B batteries, and a TS-430S into a Heath KW Kompact with DC supply.


No need to poke fun guys!

I still hold my view that a home built MTR is different to a factory (whatever a factory is defined as) built unit.

But as Andy has clarified, he’s interested in ‘classes’ of radio.

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I worked on an antenna swich issue longer than a week, until I found the pin diode problem. But what’s about the ATU. Please give me a link to this project.
73 Chris

I activated once with my IC-706MKIIG and a handfull of times with a MTR-2B, but the vast majoriry of my HF activations have been with FT-817ND, so my vote went for this last only.


My “other” is a K1.

So that would be “other Elecraft” then.

I answered this literally - KX3 - but I have used others in the past. Should I have included the ft-817 and ft-857 that I used before acquiring the KX3 or even the VX-7 which I still use from time to time or the VX-3 I used for much of my first year?

Current use only is fine Rod. I’d be impressed if you were working HF on your VX7!

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Hi Andy,

My “other” is SW-3B :wink:

73, Jarek

Yes, so would I - an inverse transverter, perhaps.

Tnx, a brilliant idea to upgrade the mchf.
73 Chris

A KX3 was my mainstay for many years, now more a base camping radio along with the PX3 panadaptor and amplifier.

One of KD1JV home made tribander kit radios 40/30/20 metres for lightweight overnight walking trips.

Now however a new KX2 which is a really tiny capable radio. Fitted with the Elecraft paddle which I really like.

73’s Wal VK2WP



My review of the G90 is in this weeks ICQ Podcast - my opinions only but I do like the rig for the price.
73 Ed.

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My other is Xiegu G90.


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My “Other” is a “Miss Mosquita” 40m 5W transceiver.

Icom 705 for fair weather (both HF & VHF), my old Icom 703 is used for HF activations when the weather is not ideal & I don’t want to risk getting an expensive Icom 705 destroyed in the rain!

If the weather is bad then I typically activate VHF only with the handheld radios from my “other” section:-

My handhelds are an Icom IC-E92D & a Yaesu VX-8E. Both of which are advertised as “submersible”. I’m not sure that I would want to test that theory by taking them underwater but I have no concerns about getting them very wet when the rain is blowing sideways!!!

I also have an old Yaesu FT-290 which I occasionally take out on SOTA trips…more for nostalgia than practicality as it is quite big & heavy compared to my other options. I also have a small linear amplifier which takes my FT-290 up to around 25 watts.

200 votes is better than I expected. I leave this open for a few more days.

I had expected that another poll on the “other” section would be needed and the numbers here confirm that. I’ll set that up in a few days with most of the radios mentioned so far.