The recovery of Daniel EA3HP

In July this year I was shocked when our friend Daniel, EA3HP, had a terrible accident while hiking in France, although fortunately he survived to tell the story. Perhaps you have missed him and his frequent activation in EA3 association since the last months.

Fortunately, Daniel is a strong man and after dealing with a long and slow recovery he is getting better. He sent me a letter that I want to share with the SOTA community.

Daniel, I’m very happy that you are recovering and I’m sure that in the future we will talk and greet again on air. Keep on doing so well with your physical therapy, and be brave with your last steps to reach the summit of your health.

Take care my friend. 73 de Ignacio


Hello dear SOTA mates,

I’m writting this letter to let you know the reason of my enforced absence far from the summits as you have perhaps missed me.

Back on July the 7th I had an accident in the french Pyrenees while I was hiking three summits in a row, one of which was a SOTA.
Hopefully I wasn’t alone in this trekking, and this saved my life.

That day we planned to hike three 3000 m peaks. We did the first one succesfully and headed towards the second; there I had the accident. In our way we found a lot of snow. We put on our crampons, and tried to find an alternative route not to had issues with such snow layer. As we were getting closer to the summit we faced some difficulties as the path was getting more and more bent; a real steep finish. There were only 173 m left to get to the summit and we decided to descend a bit doing diagonals in order to find a better access. There it happened.

I fell off uncontrollably, bouncing for 100 meters down and stopped without conscience.

Hopefully, my friend Pere who was there called for help. He thought I had died, while I recovered conscience but I couldn’t move. Soon I heard an helicopter aproaching and I waved my arm. The pilot gave instructions to my friend for him not to move as they would start the emergency rescue.

They brought us to the Tarbes Hospital. I had my humerus and a wrist broken as well a big impact on my skull with a crush. Next day I was transferred to Pau Hospital where I spent 15 days in the ICU area. Finally I could get back to the hospital in Barcelona.

I’m lucky that I’m alive to tell you the story. Now I’m doing daily rehabilitation exercises; recovery is long and I have to take it easy. My legs are okay now, but I’m not allowed to drive yet.

I’m very grateful, let me thank all officers, rescue team, and the sanitary, both in France and here for his great job with me.

This day changed my life and I won’t forget it. My best regards everybody and thanks for reading.

Cheers and take care in the mountains. 73 Daniel

Hola compañer@s Soteros,

Os escribo para comunicaros el motivo de la ausencia forzosa en mis actividades; quizá algunos cazadores me echarán en falta. El pasado 7 de julio he tenido la desagradable experiencia de un accidente en montaña, en el pirineo francés, mientras hacíamos un trekking de 3 cimas de 3000 m, una de ella una sota. Por suerte no iba solo, lo cual me salvó la vida.

Tras hacer cumbre en la primera, vimos la siguiente cumbre. Nos esperaba mucha nieve de camino, y vi la opción de un inusual sendero ascendente a nuestra izquierda que podíamos sortear para no pisar tanta nieve. De todas formas nos calzamos los crampones. Estando a apenas 173 m para la cumbre, se nos hacia difícil la progresión pues la ruta era cada vez más vertical y con mucha nieve. Optamos por bajar haciendo trazas en diagonal y allí vino mi accidente: resbalé y caí más de 100 metros para abajo, me rompí el húmero y la muñeca y me detuve inconsciente con el cráneo hundido.
Por suerte estaba mi amigo Pere, quien pudo dar el aviso. Él creía que estaba muerto, pero recobre la conciencia aunque no me podía mover. En seguida escuche el motor de un helicóptero; eran los gendarme que venían en mi busca. Recuerdo hacerles señas con un brazo y mientras me atendían hacían señas a mi amigo para tranquilizale porque estaba vivo y le dieron instrucciones para que no se moviera, pues irían en su busca.
Me llevaron hospital de Tarbes, me hicieron las primeras curas y al día siguiente me trasladaron hospital de Pau y allí estuve 15 días en la UCI y posteriormente una semana en un hospital de Barcelona.

Afortunadamente, compañeros, he tenido mucha suerte y lo puedo contar; ahora toca mi recuperación. Voy todos los dias a fisioterapia y el proceso es largo y lento. A dia de hoy no puedo coger el coche aunque estoy bien de las piernas.

Agradezco mucho la ayuda de los gendarmes y sanitarios, tanto en Francia como aquí, por su enorme trabajo conmigo.

Ese día cambió mi vida y no lo voy a olvidar. Siento contaros esto compañeros, muchas gracias por leerme.

Salud y buena montaña, 73 Daniel


Hello Daniel

I’m very happy to read that you recovered of that accident. Hope you put some other summits on the air as soon as you get well.

Stay safe amigo and merry xmas.

Un abrazo fuerte y ánimo!!!


You are a GOAT !
We are GOATS then see you next Daniel !
73 Roger


Glad there will be a good outcome. I assume post-concussive residuals are the ongoing problem?

On another note, English speakers borrow words from many other languages. I hereby borrow “Sotero” from Daniel, to mean Sota enthusiast.

Elliott, K6EL


Good one! After bringing the Italian Association on line some of us adopted “Sotari” - English is a magpie language decorated with gems borrowed from all over the world!

Returning to Daniel, I am pleased that he is recovering, goats are tough!


Hi Daniel,

All the best for you.
Will wait for your come back !

73, Jarek


Many thank Roger

Wow Daniel you’re lucky to be still with us I’m glad you are by the way. Take care and get better soon my thoughts are with you.

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Mny thanks Allen
All the best

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Daniel, I am very sorry to hear of your accident, but glad that you are recovering. I hope you have a good Christmas with your family.

Best wishes,


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Hola Dani:
No sabía nada de tu accidente y entre las restricciones impuestas por la pandemia y que tengo muy poco tiempo para cazar SOTA, no te había echado en falta.
Los 3000 son ya una cosa seria incluso en verano. El destino te regaló una segunda oportunidad aquel día y estoy seguro de que la vas a aprovechar y disfrutar con valentía y seguridad.
Espero y te deseo una pronta y completa recuperación.
Hasta pronto en SOTA.
Feliz Navidad.

P.D. Gracias a Ignacio @EA2BD por habernos enviado tu nota.

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Hi Daniel,
What a story!
Have a good recovery, so we can have S2S.
You must be an Ironman to survive such a fail!
73 from Gerald F6HBI

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Despite being “sotero” the term we use in Spanish to name those participants or fans of the SOTA programme, I particularly love the term “sotari” because it sounds very much like Basque language.
He/She playing a basque pelota match is called pelotari in Basque language.
He/She composing and singing lines of poetry, (bertso in Basque) is called bertsolari in Basque.
So he/she playing SOTA has to be called SOTAri.

Guru the SOTAri


It is a proud title, whichever beautiful language it comes fom!

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Daniel, desearte una completa recuperación. Como fisioterapeuta consorte :slight_smile: se que las rehabilitación puede ser dura. Mucho ánimo.

Daniel, wish you a full recovery. As a consort physical therapist :slight_smile: , I know that rehab can be tough. Much encouragement.

73 de EA4R Alfonso.

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Everyone’s worst nightmare and glad you are on the mend.


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Wishing you blessings for a speedy recovery.

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Hello Daniel
What a sad news. I thought that you were in a restricted area and, as in France, most of us can’t hike to the sota , restricted distance, restricted time.
Which summit did you try to reach?
Mountain is a dangerous area and you were lucky not to be alone. Most of the time, I’m alone.
Take care and I hope that we’ll meet soon again.
Best 73
André f5ukl

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Hi Daniel,so pleased to hear from you.We missed you on the activations and
hope you are recovering ok.
Look forward to working you again,take care and enjoy Christmas during your recovery. 73 Don G0RQL.


Very sorry to hear of your accident Daniel, I wish you all the best for a full recovery.

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