SP59GURU - commemorative activity of EA2IF

Today I put on air EG59GURU/P from EA2/NV-059.
Sure Guru would have activated this one around his birthday, past January 11th.

The climb today was rather difficult, large amounth of fresh snow, making my steps slower.
Nevertheless, despite the minus 2 Celsius, I found the summit not windy and had a good activation. The summit is viewless crowded with trees.

I ran on 7-10-14 MHz and I tried 28 MHz in the end but the band, as usual for Spain, was not worky for central EU.
Anyway, good to remember our friend Guru, and count 103 QSO.

Do you know last time I activated this summit, back in 2021, I had a S2S with Guru who was in fact celebrating his 56th birthday? Funny coincidence.

Thanks all for the QSO, 73


Hi Ignacio,

Thank you very much for activation and nice report.

I was a bit late today due to household duties …

My friend Alex had surgery and need more care:

This is mainly my job bcse my wife has accident some time ago:

On the rail to the summit was snow but not too deep:


On the summit two messages:
1st good - shelter was accessible:

2nd bad - no internet - I activated thank RBN gate:

View from the shelter which protected me from the wind:

Photos taken on way back:

OSOs map:

40 QSOs logged, 3 S2S.

Information for POTA hunters - my log is uploaded also there :wink:

Thank you for activators & chasers, see you next Saturday :wink:

73, Jarek


Today Guru commemoration was transmitted from SP/BZ-027

The trail

The summit:

The shack :wink:

55 QSOs logged, 4 of them S2S - many thanks to activators & chasers :exclamation:

Many thanks to Łukasz @SQ9JTR for the company :exclamation:

73, Jarek


Today SP59GURU activated OK/MO-061 - summit located on the border between SP & OK.

The trail:

The summit:

The shack was located on Polish side of the border what allowed to activate also POTA SP-1320:

71 QSOs logged, 1 x S2S :wink:

Many thanks to activators & chasers :exclamation:

Next weekend I will be in business trip to Germany, so, next time pls stay tuned on Saturday February 3rd :wink:

73, Jarek


I hope to be able to get a s2s with one of you running this call soon. I told Guru before he Passed I wanted to get him in the log and unfortunately it never happened. this would be a pleasure to get. Thank you guys for doing this.

73 de VE6JTW, Jesse


Hi Friends,

I am back and if WX allows I intend to activate SP/BZ-024 on coming Saturday.
Stay tuned :wink:

73, Jarek


the summit schedule is changed to SP/BZ-020, please kindly be noted :wink:

73, Jarek


I declare 2023 the year of the right wrist in my family :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

CW works but for other functionality recovering I guess I need a few more days.

I hope to see you soon on frequencies :exclamation:

73, Jarek


Hi Jarek,

Thank you so much for keeping Guru’s memory alive with this heartwarming tribute. Guru was one of the first DX stations to ever chase me on summit and I will always have a fond memory of him. I only wish I would have known him longer.

73 Fred


Jarek! The most important is to have a good recovery. Hope your wife is better nowadays…
Sure will meet on air soon again.

Take care my friend.
73 Ignacio


Thank you Ignacio, recovery after serious injury of my wife is going step by step but no step back :wink:
For the air I decided until my coming back to activations SP59GURU will be chaser :exclamation:

73, Jarek


Get well soon Jarek!


Thank you Marco :exclamation:

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Chasing as SP59GURU is an adventure Friends :wink:
But I try to be patient.

I guess I need one week more to recover the wrist and come back to activations.
For the moment thanks in advance activators to open your ears for SP59GURU :wink:

73, Jarek


Thx for QSO today (and for your patience).
All the best for you and your family

73 de Klaus, DL2KL


Hi Jarek

Thanks for the chases this week. I hope you are better soon and we can do S2S!

73 Richard


Thank you Klaus and Richard, I am going better, I hope to come back to summits within coming weekend.

73, Jarek

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QSOs map so far :wink:

73, Jarek


I am back :wink:

Today I activated SP/BZ-008

In the log 43 QSOs on 14, 10 & 7 MHz CW

Stay tuned tomorrow - I will try to be on 28 MHz from border summit OM/ZA-045

73, Jarek


Today it was demanded some skills to activate CW due to ARRL contest, anyway I can say I am happy with the result.

View taken on the trail to OM/ZA-045 (border summit):

Summit refuge:

Summit area:

The shack:

On starting stage I used 10m monobander antenna, very happy to work with no problem Janusz PJ5/SP9FIH

Then, starting from 7MHz I used “trial friendly” 10, 20, 40m endfed antenna.

SP59GURU during activations never chase S2S itself, I am very happy to work activators who is calling me - today it was Mario @DJ2MX from DL/MF-082 - thank you very much Mario :exclamation:

In the log in total 63 QSOs, 1 x S2S, 18 x DX.

Sherry on the cake were 5 QSOs on 12m band, 4 of them DX :champagne:

View to the South before descent:

Many thanks activator & chasers.

73, Jarek