Well in my personal experience, Peanut is easier to use, and works better than Echolink, SOTALINK and other things. Several attempts to have global SOTA chat nets have happened over the years, and this one is the first that seems to have gained some traction. Of course this current Covid-19 crisis may have something to do with that. But I think the look, feel and structure of Peanut has something to do with it as well.
I’m a Fusion (C4FM) man when it comes to digital, and an iPhone / iPad user. It would be much better for me if Peanut ran on iOS and could be accessed via YSF. Even so, it’s still better than other options - in my experience.
Back in 2008-2009, when I was living in Aranjuez-Madrid, I remember using Echo-Link on my Laptop to have VOIP private chats late in the evenings with a couple of ham friends up North in my birth land Navarra , where I finally got back in 2012.
We also used to chat through Messenger.
I didn’t want those Echo-Link rooms where you get exported to VHF repeaters and you may easily get involved in huge nets like in a 2m VHF repeater, but with an even bigger range. That private room for us three was just perfect.
That was very nice and I now find Peanut about as nice as that with a couple of very interesting added features. There’s a specific SOTA room where all SOTA fans can connect to. We can have it on our Android smartphones and thus use it either at home or anywhere we want as long as we have phone data connection available.
That was great fun again last night, and I know everyone enjoyed it. Thank you all for joining in.
I propose that the next virtual gathering on Peanut be scheduled for 1000 UTC (11am BST) on Tuesday 14th April 2020. Any comments?
Everyone is the SOTA community is invited to join us. I realise that computer-to-computer comms are not everyone’s cup of tea, but these are unusual times, so why not give it a try? All the details you need are in this thread:
Glad to read that you had a good one last night.
I had initially planned participating, but I unexpectedly got into a nice family time and I gave it priority.
I"m not sure I’ll be able to make it next Tuesday because I have something to do at the hospital at about that same time, but I’ll try.
Another different kind of radio tonight - but still one where the community can come together - if people so wish. Many will know I have two adult sons - Jimmy M0HGY who is the G Association Manager, keen SOTA activator and a Mountain Goat. Also Liam, who is not a licensed amateur, but who is a presenter on local community radio in our home area.
The station manager at Canalside Radio asked him for a two hour special of his “Late Night Liam” programme for Good Friday evening - ie tonight! The show will be broadcast at 9pm to 11pm UK time - that is 2000-2200 UTC. It can be received on 102.8MHz FM in this area, but can be heard anywhere around the world via online platforms like Smartspeaker, the Tune-in App or the radio station’s website - http://www.canalsideradio.net
If you enjoy an eclectic mix of high quality, original and cutting-edge music, then you may enjoy this show. If you do, then please do get in touch via the email address that will be announced on-air. Also, there may be some live interaction on social media during the show via Facebook Live or in the “Late Night Liam Listeners” Facebook group (which you can request to join).
Again, it’s just another possible avenue for SOTA friends to gather together (virtually), in a different context of radio. The musical choices date back up to 60 years, so hopefully something for everyone.
Other than that, I look forward to the next “SOTA PeaNet” at 1000 UTC on Tuesday.
A reminder that out next scheduled “virtual get-together” in the SOTA room on Peant, is coming up in 45 minutes, at 1000z (11am UK time).
The SOTA room on Peanut is available 24/7 of course, but we have these nominated times when more of us gather.
This is the most convenient way I personally have found to run Peanut. I have the dashboard displaying on my main PC, with the Last Heard and Online Users Filters both set to “SOTA”. On a separate device (in my case a Windows 10 tablet), I am running the Peanut app. Doing it this way means that I don’t have to minimise or switch windows - or fiddle about with split screens.
We are underway. Please come and join this friendly SOTA gathering. We do seem to have some network issues with “transmissions” cutting out every few seconds, but it’s mainly working and mainly readable!
Thankfully the technical difficulties did not persist for too long and we enjoyed a good service on Peanut for most of the 2 hours + that the net lasted. Amazing to learn how many of the participants today are musicians working past or present at the professional level.
Thanks to all! Until we can be S2S, great way to stay in touch with the gang. And as Guru, EA2IF put it, for us CW ops this is the first time we’ve heard our friends’ voices!
It was a great net and I enjoyed it very much at home on wifi first and later on 4G while walking to the hospital for about 25 minutes, also while being there giving a blood sample for analysis and then on my walk back home for another 25 minutes, to finally end back again on wifi in my shack. No RX/TX problems while walking, thus proving this app as a good means of communication when hiking or at the top of a mountain with a good 4G coverage.
With so many musicians as we have in the group, a SOTA-band concert is something you should start considering
I’ll be looking forward to hearing you all again soon.
Take care.
Good idea Guru. The Brits may remember a detective series called Inspector Morse. The theme music featured the word morse played out in morse (the music simulating the rhythm of morse code “m o r s e”. Maybe with all the talent here, we could come up with a similar idea for a SOTA theme tune?