Great hearing a lot of people on the SOTA Peanut Get Together. SOTA PGT … …
lots of 73
Great hearing a lot of people on the SOTA Peanut Get Together. SOTA PGT … …
lots of 73
Excellent audio on the system and great to hear some voices and putting them to call signs that I havent heard before.
A bit of a hurried try of Peanut for me, then my XYL arrived home with food shopping, so I had to disappear to help.
Sounds as though Peanut will work great for a SOTA net, I hope to join in properly next time.
Nice one everyone
best 73
Thanks everyone for joining another excellent global SOTA Peanut net. I think everyone enjoyed the conversation.
The poll at the top of this thread remains live and open, so feel free to modify your vote options if you wish, or place your votes if you’ve not already done so. You can vote for more than one option.
How about Thursday 9th April 1930 UTC for the next schedule get-together?
Hi Tom, 10.30utc any day suits me. That equates to 08.30pm vk2/ vk3 time.
73 de Geoff vk3sq
That becomes 5:30 AM local time in Sydney. As I said on the net, lucky Peanut doesnt have a camera invovled!
How about 2130 instead?
2130 is more practical for east coast VK, being 0730 local. In ZL it is local 0930 and in Western Australia, 0530. 2100 would probably work too. I think the chat on Monday 6th was still going an hour after it started. Maybe it can start earlier for those who are around then, continuing as additional participants join in during the following hour or more?
I actually got engaged earlier in the evening, ie around 0730 UTC in some QSOs on 80m, wanting to make 4 CW contacts for the ZL-sponsored Marathon (4 contacts per day on as many days as possible between now and the end of the year). The callers kept coming and 80m was quiet, signals were big from ZL and VK5. So I didn’t get into the kitchen until 1930 local, 0930 UTC, then was busy with dinner for an hour and finally looked at the dashboard and found a dozen callsigns still listed. But by then it was time to do the dishes etc, so that timeslot didn’t work for me last night.
I’ll try to log in for the next one… thanks Tom.
73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH
I’m OK if the timeslot gets shared around a bit so others in different time zones are able to have a go at a reasonable time.
Hi Tom, 21.30 world be fine also for me. Geoff vk3sq
Hi, I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but just wondered why Peanut had been selected (given that it doesn’t run on iPhones) rather than something like EchoLink (which I think runs on any device)? I’ve never used either, so this is a genuine query rather than promotion of my favourite mode (a la cw/ssb/FT8… )
Sorry just found the original thread here. I should probably have posted this query there. If an admin can move this I’d be grateful. Thanks
I hadn’t noticed it was Windows/Android only or DSTAR/DMR only.
The developer comments that it is not on Apple platforms because they don’t support experimental software. Ironic when you see the bugs coming from Apple. No different from Windows. I use them all and think they are all fairly dodgy…
Andrew vk1da
Well Andrew, apparently Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.”
In response to Bill’s comments, General Motors issued a press release stating: If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics:
For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.
Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.
Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.
Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.
Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads.
The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single “General Protection Fault” warning light.
The airbag system would ask “Are you sure?” before deploying.
Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.
Every time GM introduced a new car, car buyers would have to learn to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.
You’d have to press the “Start” button to turn the engine off. (Mind you this has since become fairly commonplace!)
However, we digress! Can anyone explain why Peanut is better please? It looks as though I may have more time on my hands soon.
Better than what? I don’t think it’s better or worse than other VOIP gateways/apps I’ve used. It may be when it comes to linking the DMR and DSTAR gateways but that’s not something I ever play with.
Why is it being used? Because it was talked about and has a SOTA specific room. Talked about, people investigate, find others investigating, becomes a place to talk to SOTA people.
It’s not worth discussing why not on Apple … (some(or all) of those 10 points apply to Apple as well …)
Peanut runs on the OS’s that it runs on, and that’s that.
Now why Peanut ?
That is a good question.
Read my initial post about it, and how it compares to the three digital systems.
Feel free to disagree … but the simplicity of it’s use seems to appeal to people, and it’s just great fun to play with while we’re locked up …
Luc - ON7DQ
The 90s called wanting its joke email back
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