RockMite Activation G/NP-004

It’s that time of year again!

My son needed transporting to college this afternoon so I only had a few hours spare this morning. I was determined not to miss my annual RockMite activation with my 2007 vintage K1SWL RockMite 20m this time around, so I did a quick dash up Whernside G/NP-004. I needed to be back home by 1030utc at the latest.

Whernside offers the quickest ‘home to summit’ time for me even though it’s Yorkshire’s highest summit.

I was on air with the RockMite at around my alerted time and I was very pleased to get 10 QSOs in the log after a very short time. It was awesome to work Roman @DL3TU /P for an S2S, Roman was on a 10 point summit.

For extra fun I’d packed my Radio Kits Explorer SSB rig and I managed another 7 QSOs on SSB. It was great to score another S2S with Ignacio, @EA2BD /P, who was on EA2/NV-189. Ignacio was also QRP with his (tr)uSDX.

I’d managed 17 QSOs in about half an hour, and the sun had even shone when it was forecast for rain!

Really enjoyed the radio today, thanks to all the chasers. I got home at 1020utc and I was able to get my son to college in good time.

K1SWL RockMite20 - the kit that started all the madness!

RockMite 20 QSOs

Same time next year?

73, Colin


Colin, thanks for the S2S!

I use to check the alerts before I leave home and head to my summit.
My hike was new for me and I was unsure about the start of the activation.

Right after setting and switching on my rig I saw you were on SSB. I was happy I hadn’t choose the MTR today.

I tuned as quick as possible and was very happy when you came back to my S2S request.
I am always amazed this homebrewed toy style tr(u)SDX kit can do the deal…

So today we had a S2S & K2K (kit to kit)

Looking forward our next one!
73 Ignacio


Hi Colin,

thanks for the report. It was a pleasure working you S2S! Your signal wasn’t too loud but readable without any difficulty.
Great to see what the situation was on your end. Compared to your setup I feel like QRO with my KX3 :wink: Next year I’ll bring a Rockmite ][ too, so we can have a S2S and RM2RM QSO :upside_down_face:

I’m glad you had another S2S with @EA2BD whom I unfortunately missed. I saw Ignacio’s alert but had to pack up a few minutes before he was QRV. Bad luck for me but maybe next time…

72/73, Roman


Well done Colin.

I must be somewhat more ‘cautious’ than you.

I often get up around 6am and I’m probably about half an hours drive away from my nearest summit. Would I dream of 'dashing off, activating the top, returning home in time to take someone to college. I think it would drive my stress levels up to much.

(In regards to that you must be in the same league as Tom M1EYP who also manages to dash off to activate a summit before a ‘gig’)


Hi Roman, yes a pity we didn’t meet.
I saw your last spot on 40m CW while I was setting.
Not a chance this time but glad you enjoyed your activation.

Next time!
73 Ignacio


It wasn’t stressful, I had plenty of time in reality. The drive home was about 15 minutes.

I had time to do some household chores when I got home and have lunch before setting off for Kendal.

73, Colin