Quansheng-good news

I was wondering whether the radio would work as a portable digimode station.
I have the IJV firmware, set to USB and used the FT8CN app to see what comes out. I was expecting DSB but this looks more like AM.

The carrier is much stronger than the data (FT8 frequency was set to 1350 Hz), and the carrier is also off frequency by about 1.2 kHz: The Quansheng was set to 144.1752 as this seemed closest to 144.1740.


Found some time today, and did a few quick measurements.
I hope they are of some help.

Powermeter Bird 43 with elements for 25W/100-250 Mhz and 5W/200-500 Mhz (calibration very unknown … hi)
145.500 : H 5.0W M 2.6W L 2.2W
433.500 : H 3.8W M 2.5W L 2.1W

Spectrum with Siglent SSA 3021X Plus
(using 2 attenuators, total attenuation calibrated at 2m : -46.41 dB, 70cm -45,21 dB)
Only used HIGH power setting.



After recalculation this would mean
2m = 4.89 W
70cm = 3.57 W
so my 2m Bird element looks OK, the 70cm element may be a bit off.

With the automatic harmonics measuring function:



So I think it’s safe to say this rig is fully within specs regarding the harmonics. I didn’t look for close-in spurious, maybe I’ll do that another time …

PS : I couldn’t decide which firmware to keep : egzumer or IJV ?
I solved that problem by ordering another one! :wink:
But this time I chose a UV 5R Plus (which is internally the same rig), so that I can better see the difference between the two rigs.
To my surprise this one came with a bigger battery, for a lower price !
(2200 mAh vs. 1600 mAh).
I also had ordered along two longer flexible antenna’s, from different sellers. One has a printing “Abbree AR-771”, the other one has no marking at all. Will investigate later if there is any difference, and also compare them with an RH-770 clone I also have (as discussed in another thread).



Hi Luc,
Just a piece of additional information - the levels for H M & L can be set in the extended memory functions of the IVJ firmware (so if someone wanted just 1w drive for a transverter, they could set the L value to that for example).
Oh, that’s a bit silly of Quansheng - bringing out a UV-5R-Plus as everyone will think it’s from Baofeng!


Thanks for running the Siglent SA to check harmonics.

73 Ed.


CW Keying with the IJV mod firmware.

Finally got it working!
But I didn’t have any 2.5 mm jacks, so I put a 3.5 mm jack in the large hole, and took a 2.5 mm drill.
Connecting the shield of the 3.5 mm jack to the drill and slowly inserting it into the 2.5 mm hole made it key up.
So one must really make a two-connector contraption as is shown in the IJV manual (Tagliare = cut off). Only the shield of the 2.5 mm connector is needed.


Now just wait until my good friend Ali sells this, complete with a CW straight key, for an incredibly low price :wink:



Not so cheap at the moment!
It’s actually cheaper to by a HT-USB cable and cut off and throw away the USB part!


73 Ed.

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I buy 2.5mm/3.5mm patch cables and cut them down e.g. 2.5mm Stereo Jack to 2.5 mm Jack Plug Cable Lead 1.8m

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I had taken my UV-K5(8) out on a couple activations earlier this month monitoring the calling channel but not heard anything.
This changed as I made my way to GW/MW-001 on Saturday. During the final ascent I heard Matthew (@M0JSB) calling but it seemed he was unable to hear me. I quickly swapped my Nagoya for the stock antenna and called again, but no response. I swapped antennas once more and as I made my way onto the final stretch I performed several Pirouettes, an Assemblé as well as a Grande Jeté but I could not make contact whichever way I was jumping or pointing the antenna.

(In the safety of the cairn at GW/MW-001)

Perhaps I should have loaded the latest firmware, but my fortunes changed for the next summit.
As I parked my car for GW/MW-038, my spot was somewhat on a slope and I thought, better safe than sorry.

I had my doubts how well the unit would do, but it exceeded all my expectations and performed remarkably well.
When I returned from my activation, the car had not moved an inch.

Based on my experience, I can only conclude I have the genuine article and not a fake.


I did hear you very briefly and tried replying to you, but to no avail! It was good to work you later on when I was on my way down from GW/MW-010. You were a nice strong signal then. I’m assuming you were using something different!

Is there any footage of this?


Indeed. My trusty Yaesu FT65 paired with my Slim Jim. :+1:

Not unless the group of women who were not far behind me took any. :grimacing:


Thank goodness you didn’t use a Baofeng. They’re only rated for small hatchbacks.


I now also have a UV-K5 for €21.80 including shipping. The first impression of the feel and the display is good and the sound in FM is clear and pleasant, both in reception and transmit.
But the locals on 2m was barely audible due to overdriving of the rx by a 100kW tv transmitter 3km away.

Now I wanted to install the IJV firmware k5_v2.01.31_publish.bin, but the link is dead. Can anyone help?

73 Chris

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V 2.01.31 I can’t find but here’s the current release version.

Oh, just a minute 2.01.31 is the stock Quansheng FW version not IVJ - these are here:


For the CW fans :

I had ordered some 3.5 and 2.5 mm jacks, but they take the slow boat from China …
So I didn’t want to wait for those to arrive, and searched my proverbial junk box, and found cut-offs from some earbuds, one with a 3.5 and one with a 2.5 mm jack … OK.
I put them in an old Baofeng for the correct spacing, with some cling foil in between, to avoid glue getting into the rig.
Then used some epoxy to glue them toghether. It doesn’t look nice, but they stay at the correct distance.
Then I cut off the tip and ring of the 2.5 mm jack, as shown on the IJV manual page, in section 7.7.
For a quick test, I took a simple pushbutton as a primitive CW key, connecting the shields of the two connectors.
This is the result:

Tested it, it works OK.
Will add a connector later, to connect other keys or a PIC keyer.

I found a cheaper connector than the Amazon link you posted.

but I fear it only connects to the the speaker connector, not the PTT lines. Maybe if you cut it open … but then it will look as ugly as my ‘el cheapo’ connector , hi.



Tnx Ed. After many attempts with a defective Boafeng programming cable, the installer is finally running with the backups.

73 Chris


I tested my Quangsheng UV-K5 for the first time today when activating it in SSB at 2m on DM/NS-008. Below a impression of the reception quality.

At home I then tested the device on the analyzer.
EDIT Sorry Luc, I missed your post. Our measurements are not identical. It could be that the manufacturer has made improvements.
The -60db required in Germany is not achieved. However, you should keep in mind that the included antenna may not be resonant on the 2nd harmonic and supplements the missing -14db. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

73 Chris


Can you measure the sensitivity for 10dB SINAD in DSB mode?
Pretty interesting to know how many dB off an actual SSB rig it is.


I like to do that. Initially, the sensitivity seems to be quite good. However, it is limited by intermodulation from neighboring signals from mobile and radio/tv stations.

When I activated it for the first time, the background noise increased significantly when I switched from the included antenna (with selection in 2m and 70cm) to a broadband 1/2 lambda. I’m going to build a narrow band filter for 144MHz.

73 Chris


According to the datasheet it is 0.16uV at 12db SINAD in FM.
73 Chris


On the way to the summit dm/ns-122 I remembered that there was a VHF contest taking place at the moment. I came up with the crazy idea of calling in SSB with my Quansheng. Here the result (85km :sunglasses:)
73 Chris


Well done Chris!
Good to see the little radio with just the rubber-duck antenna working well on DSB/SSB.
Perhaps an external speaker microphone would have made operation easier.

73 Ed.