Quansheng-good news

What firmware are you using? The SSB reception was a lot better than I’ve been getting on mine with one of the IJV mods.

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73 Chris


Unfortunately, this one is listed in the meantime as well. Publication date: Feb. 8, 2024. So no option for HB9 :frowning:

73 Jens


Hi Chris,
sounds like big additions in the version 3 firmware - I wonder who will operate on the “bleeding edge” when it gets released? Perhaps worth waiting for v 3.1…
It’s great to see you making contacts with the current version of the software. I may try some 2m DSB contacts once the weather gets a little warmer.

73 Ed.


Yes, the BAKOM pays very close attention to compliance with the very strict regulations in Switzerland.
That’s respectable but of course a shame for you.
I could imagine an exemption for radio amateurs who can and should use the devices responsibly and technically well-versed. A transmission of max. 0.1 milliwatt on 288Mhz on a Swiss summit should be tolerable. *)
The more you can safely adhere to the specifications with a simple external harmonic filter.

73 Chris

*) Military aircraft also use a dedicated UHF-AM band from 225.0 to 399.95 MHz for air-to-air and air-to-ground, including air traffic control communication. This band has a designated emergency and guard channel of 243.0 MHz.


My expectations for the UV-K5 with the IJV software were 100% fulfilled.
It was clear that the receiver was open like a barn door (that’s what they say in DL), but we also know that from well-known manufacturers.
A narrow input filter and a lightweight portable antenna is my next building project.

Unfortunately I hardly have any chasers on 2m*) in the Hanover area, especially in CW

73 Chris

*) except Pom DB7AC, Uwe DK8OA, Jürgen DF9OA, Klaus DL6MST


UV K5 in action: IARU Contest and SOTA SP/BZ-053
Works well on CW and quite well on SSB.

vy 73 de Mariusz


Hello friends,
I bought one of these, $25 with tax.
I bought it as a gift for a friend who uses MS Flight Simulator and listens to AM Aviação (I’m a beginner at MSFS. hihi).
I measured the original antenna and the surprise: 1.1:1 at 144.400 mhz.
This is very good to take with the HF station, and will give good power output.
I didn’t install a MOD, but it will be EZGumer, better for AM.


I wonder if one of the FM broadcast band blocking filters that are around on the usual sites for €10 - €15 might be able to be adapted to cover the second harmonic by changing the value of the (SMD) capacitors or inductors? (I realise this is meant as a receive filter but at 5 w PEP - it “may” survive transmit usage).

Broadcast Band Stop FM Block Filter 88-108 MHz FM Transmission FM Filter for SDR | eBay

Or even better if operating the HT on 70cm - cut out item 3 (BPF) from the NanoVNA RF-DEMO board:

73 Ed.

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Hello Carlos,
tnx for chasing me today on 10m in CW on dm/ns-115.
73 Chris


And even if a device is missing on their page, this doesn’t mean that it’s legal to import/use/whatever do with it. That’s why OFCOM states on their page:

Attention: If an installation or a device is not on the list, this does not automatically mean that its conformity is guaranteed!

73 Stephan

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Hi Chris,
Nice to meet you
I really appreciate your attention to me
Good sign today.
Sorry for insisting on sending my call. I heard you and the other colleague S2S. Congratulations.
Until 13:00 UTC we heard Europe well. Always look at us.


What a great set-up Mariusz. Thanks for sharing.

Geoff vk3sq

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I “butchered” an old Baofeng headset and soldered on a jack plug for my Bamatech TP3. Now a CW qso with DK8OA.

73 Chris


After cutting the small pin :crossed_fingers:


I quickly set up an experimental 2m band filter that suppresses spurious emissions and prevents possible overloading of the receiver. No rocket technology

73 Chris


Hello! Has anyone also experienced the issue that with an external microphone in use and the squelsh open, the PTT does not work? Any fix known for this? It’s clearly a software issue I would say. Thanks!


Not an error, it was intended like that
I copy from the “egzumer” manual (I suppose this was the same in the original firmware):


  • Push To Talk button.
  • The PTT on the external microphone works differently than the internal PTT (side) button.
    • When pressing the PTT, the TX waits until no RX signal is received (observed with Radio-PCB revision V1.4 and OK with V1.6). Works well when pressing the internal PTT.

In the “IJV MOD” firmware this does not happen, since both the internal and the external PTT are used for keying CW , and this works best with open squelch.



Thank your taking the time and the info! KR Alfred

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I bought a K5 and will try to put in satellite frequencies.
Today I looked for the programming cable but I couldn’t find it. hihi.
Always like this: when you need it, you don’t find it.