Quansheng-good news

That looks like a fake one.


Hi Ed,
fw is obtainable here:

A step by step guide is provided to load the fw.

So far I am not very delighted with the DSB performance, maybe have to tweak the settings.
CW reception seams to be reasonable.

73, Luis

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Thanks Luis, my new ā€œtoyā€ arrives from China this afternoon!

73 Ed.

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Hi Luc, I recommend looking at the OK1IF website. Trying solutions with cw traffic. https://ok1if.hamqth.com/
73 Jan

I can confirm that both DSB and CW work with the IJV MOD firmware, TX and RX.
I had a QSO with a local friend, and he told me signals sounded very good ( he listended in SSB to my DSB signal of course).

I had to key the CW with the PTT on the rig, I tried the suggested connection (shorting the two shields of the 3.5 and 2.5 mm connector =PTT) but that didnā€™t work for me. Maybe you really have to insert two connectors to make an internal switching ?


Hi Jan, @OK2PDT
we were probably typing at the same time, hi.

So he had the same problem with the keying, I hope someone can figure out how to connect a key in the correct way.

I still have to check the spectral purity.

And of course this is only for use in the 2m or 70cm band. Some hope that this would be useful for HF or 6m, but it doesnā€™t have the filters for that.


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Iā€™ve seen a few youtube videos where people have done this e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvTp2oEMca0


Yes, the 145 event in the UK was too much for mine, while the 2m band was chokka and full of power. Even alone on my summit, TX fine, RX not so much and worse when i put an antenna up. A band pass filter seems an absolute must have.


I look forward to a contact on 2m DSB with you at Friedrichshafen! Iā€™ll also be looking at the signal on my Tiny SA before doing other than receive with the unit though. 2m BP filters are available commercially from SOTABeams and should be fairly simple to build oneself.

73 Ed.


Hi Jan, thank you for the information.
I tryed to read the Inglish translation of the OK1IF with great interest, the problem described, as I understood, was related to keying delay in CW.

I made a small test with the beacom receiving on an SDRPlay, and it seamed with good quality and no ā€œerrorsā€. I am using FW is IJV 2.9R5.

I will try with a external key and keyer when I receive the conectors.

My hope is that the related problems were in a previous version? (no dates in the OK1IF page).

Best 73,


first tests in
AZ sota Quansheng UV-K5:
I was at the top during the Ok Cup competition. Most FM channels were busy: I called on the same frequency with the strong OK station. the radio worked fine, it didnā€™t go deaf in the presence of other transmitters.
2m ssb test also ok. the modulation is a bit strange, better in LSB - you can slightly hear the carrier wave


Has anyone found firmware that with no frequency locks that will allow SSB & CW? Iā€™m fool enough to at least see how much RF is available at the final FET, and if suitably encouraged, have a crack at extracting the TX signal & rolling my own filters. I first loaded Egzummer, but it does not appear that anything other than FM TX will ever be supported. I then tried the current release of IJV, but it has TX locks in a lot of cool places. Could not make sense of the documentation on FAGCI, so gave that one a missā€¦
John, VK4TJ

Hmm, Iā€™ve loaded IJV and every band I tried to transmit on was locked. Maybe I need to look closer and see if there are any unlocked bits.

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I have a vague recollection that early releases of IJV were wide-open. Unfortunately, early releases are the ones which had poor receive on SSB & CW, the modes which interest me most.

Itā€™s hidden in the Services Menu, see section 6.2 in the IJV manual.
Menu item 61 (F Lock) is what youā€™re looking for.

I wouldnā€™t set my hopes too high for any use other than 2m/70cm though.

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I couldnā€™t resist and ordered the UV-K 5 from AliExpress for just 21.50 euros.

Unfortunately, there are already 5 handheld radios on the shelf and there is no room for a sixth.

But one option appeals to me: CW on 2m for SOTA

Itā€™s certainly a hopeless endeavor to find a chaser or activator here in the poor Northern Sota Germany, but I stick to the saying: Hope dies last.

73 Chris


Hi John,
The latest IVJ firmware upgrade allows FM, AM, DSB and CW on any frequency.
I have just applied the firmware change yesterday and did a couple of quick tests - like most, at ā‚¬19.80 I consider this more of a toy than a radio but if it can give 3-5w of DSB out on 2m and 70cm thatā€™s fine with me! Iā€™ll be looking at its emissions on my TinySA.
I have just to go through the IVJ user manual and set all the many, many settings how I would like them.

By the way, I thought I had a problem when the radio was not recognised by the programs but Windows accepted the CH340 chipped cable. Although the twin plug seemed to be right into the radio it wasnā€™t. You need to ensure it is exactly at right angles and then apply more force than normal and it goes in a few mm more, so that the plug casing is right up against the side of the radio, then communication can take place between laptop and radio.

73 Ed.


I had my first 2 m CW QSO with KD8CEC v0.1X firmware. Introducing UV-K5 Version 0.1P (CW)
Firmware has a buit-in Iambic-a keyer. I used an external keyer as I am a single lever paddle op and the built-in has no dot memory.
The VOX ā€œAuto Start CW TXā€ is slow. Alternatively it is possible to manually start and stop transmission.
Well not perfect, but Iā€™m used to it.
I got good reports for tone quality besides turning on CW by ā€œAuto Start CW TXā€ will transmit as well which is a little bit annoying.
Drains the battery fast, no ssb tx with this firmware.

I am quite enthusiastic how this turned out. QSO video, just the rx part, sorry. It really transmits! The sidetone is pleasant. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/leujCwZXgks

I will try a sota activation soon, good chances to find 2 m CW chasers near Vienna/Austria.

73 Martin


Thanks for checking that out, Ed. Sounds like I had better invest more time in the ā€œso calledā€ manual, which I found to be pretty tough sledding. Yes, same dramas here with the Bao-beast. It did not seem to be able to tell me about itā€™s innards, so I did round-robin drivers until things started to happen. Mine turned out to be the most obscure, least documented ā€œCH340ā€.


Hi John,
My cable is the same as yours with the CH340 (not CF340 as I had written - now corrected). I think a lot of the newer cables use this chip. The prolific (original - not a knock-off) and FTDI cables refused to work as there are only 32-bit drivers for them and my current Windoze laptop has the 64-bit version of Windoze on it.
Once I plugged in the cable, the drivers loaded fine (lucky as supplying a mini-CD with drivers on with the cable is nice but I no longer have a CD/DVD drive in the laptop, so I would have had to get an old PC out of the cellar to simply copy the files from the CD to a USB key. The problem that as I hadnā€™t plugged the cable fully in, Windoze was happy with the CH340 chipset but the apps all said the radio wasnā€™t there or they could not identify it.
By the way, the IVJ manual is a web page but if you search the page, there is a link to download it as a PDF to use off-line. Now I have to find time to set and try out all the features. I wonder what the SATCOM feature is all about?

73 Ed.