So, I’ve been looking at a few of the QRP rigs that have CW only capabilities. I’m mainly looking to keep the footprint low for weight as well as cost. Any thoughts on these four options? I know that the QRP Labs options are single band, so not apples to apples with the other multi-band radios, but I’m looking for all around solid CW rigs that will serve me well in the field.
- Youkits HB-1B:
- QRP Labs - QCX-mini: QCX-mini 5W CW transceiver kit
- QRP Labs - QCX+ 5W CW transceiver kit: QCX+ 5W CW transceiver kit
- LNR Precision Inc - Mountain Topper: Mtr4b V2 Mountain Topper – Store – LNR Precision Inc
Also, if you know other options that would be in the similar price range and have similar functionality, I’d like to hear those recommendations.