My 57th and possibly last SOTA birthday celebration (Part 1)

Hola Guru,

I am sorry for the bad news from you.
I hope you will celebrate “058, 059, 060” and many many more SOTA. Your strong determination, deserve that!
Best of luck for you in fighting cancer.
Ánimo y un fuerte abrazo!

Moisés, EA4MZ


Dear Guru,

I was away yesterday but would have loved to work you on air. You are a great man. I have just learned the bad news on the progress of your cancer and my thoughts are with you. My heart always fills with warmth when I hear your call sign EA2IF on air. Thank you for all the great contacts in the past year, and I am sure there will be more to come either here in the forum or on air.

I am sending you all my best wishes for 2022, but most importantly that the treatment is going to work out and that you remain strong and positive, so that you can enjoy all the happy moments with your lovely family, friends and finally us SOTA enthusiasts.

Chris, DL1GKC


Guru, you are a very courageous man. I admire you and your battle with a serious illness. My friends and I wish you recovery and victory. I sincerely hope for many QSOs with you.


Hello Guru,

I stared at the page for a long time and like plenty of others, not knowing what to write is the worst thing. I hope that somehow we will see a miracle. I have enjoyed working you a dozen times since 2014, mainly in CW and also reading your informed comments of the reflector. Your callsign is very familiar and instantly recognizable to me as is your name. I hope and pray that we will continue to hear both into the future. Whatever happens Guru, remember that we’re all heading along the same road and in the words of Sandy Denny of Fairport Convention, we’ll ‘Meet on the Ledge.’ I wish you a happy day for your birthday. I hope you are pain-free and get that 2-pointer done without incident. Well done from 92 – a brilliant effort!

All my good wishes for you,



Dear Guru,
I was moved to read your lines.
My first logbook entry with you was in June 2008, when I was on a sailing boat on the Baltic Sea for the weekend.
The first SOTA contact with you was in March 2014. I thank you very much for your patience with my slow CW speed (approx. 14 wm).
I will try to hear and reach you on your birthday-SOTA-acivation.

I can follow all your moves.

I wish you all the best.

Stephan, DD6DO (often also F/DD6DO)


Hi Guru,
I have only just joined the SOTA community. When I posted a an introduction topic, you were one of the first to reply with advice. Thank you you so very much for that. I am so very moved to read your post and send my very best wishes to you.



I am so sorry to hear the news regarding your cancer. As you can see from the many replies, you have many friends around the world that are pulling for you.

I believe yesterday was the first time we have had a contact - thank you for hearing my QRP signal. You were difficult to copy due to band conditions resulting in fast, deep QSB here. I look forward to working you again, and my prayers are coming your way.

Randy, ND0C


Yes, and the list seems to be growing up fast.

I immediately recognised your callsign was new for me as a SOTA activator and I was delighted with your call. Much more delighted when you told me you were running QRP 5W, exactly as I was. A 2xQRP DX QSO is probably the top coolest thing I can dream of. Thank you also for hearing my QRP signal. I hope you’ve seen the picture of my setup I posted earlier in a previous post.
I’d like to know which antenna were you using yesterday.



Your story completely broke my heart. I am so sorry. Would that the rag chew could go on forever and ever…


Hi Guru,

I agree - 2x QRP DX is the best! I was using a two element Yagi at 13 meters above ground. After 30,000 SOTA chaser points - all using QRP - I finally worked you! It was my pleasure and honor!

Randy, ND0C



I’m so sorry to read about the situation. I hope for the best possible and something more!!!
I hope to meet you on the bands in the future year after year.

Be strong. A strong will may change the reality sometimes.

73, Ludwig


Dear Guru,

What can I say to you? Bad news but you will fight with all your energy and think always positive, this is one more round ;)… Thanks for many contacts in the last activation’s, hope to ear you very soon with good news, 72 Nuno :)…


Hi Guru,

Thank you for your chasing.

Today I could hear your voice again after a few years :wink:

CU soon again :wink:

73, Jarek


Dear, Guru. Thanks for chasing me today at this spectacular summit.

Sad to hear that disease is back :frowning: , but don’t give up there is always hope and chance for positive outcome. I guess birthday activation will cheer you up, good mood is important to fight with sickness. 11 January is definitely worth to celebrate by S2S, I was born at the same date :star_struck:, so I will try to watch for your alert!

73 de LB8CG/Mihail


My family and I will keep your health in our prayers, and will be watching for when you will be making your birthday activation. I will see if there is a #057 summit that I can crest to try and make a contact with you. 73 Don N8FN


So sorry to hear your cancer is back. Stay positive and keep on climbing as long as you can… we are all rooting and listening for ya.

All the best



Sorry to hear about your news. Enjoy each day as it comes.


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Hi Guru,
I wish you a good year despite the bad news and hope to see you often on frequency.
I thank you so much for many QSO’s. I wish you a lot of strength for the coming time and all the best,
73 ’


Hi Guru
I’m so sad to hear your news. It’s always a delight to hear your callsign chasing me. Your strength at this difficult time is inspirational.
73 de Richard


Guru, siento mucho leer esto.
Pienso en ti y en la esperanza de un éxito saludable.
Gracias por el QSO - Todo desde SV8.
73 de Erich en este momento en EA8

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