LoRa APRS Tracker (Part 9)

Continuing the discussion from LoRa APRS Tracker (Part 8) - #101 by M0MZB.

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Continuing the discussion from LoRa APRS Tracker (Part 8):

I had this happen to one of my test units. It was set to sleep on low battery, but just died without a sleep message in the beacon text
I assumed the battery had just died in low temperature. On retrieval to my surprise, when I cycled the power the battery was ok and the igate came back to life.
I now set my igates to reboot every 24 hours and not had any problems over the last few weeks.


Apparently there’s some sort of “coding week” going on at present. One of the RSGB’s related activities looks mighty familiar:


I was literally about to post this myself, A very useful “idots guide too…” Perfect for a complete novice like me! link below to the actual PDF file… :slight_smile:

