LoRa APRS Tracker (Part 4)

Continuing the discussion from LoRa APRS Tracker (Part 3) - #101 by G1JPV.

Previous discussions:

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oops , I have done that twice now, sorry System :slightly_smiling_face:

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Could you post a link to the web version please




Ricardo thank you very much for publishing the igate web installer. I found it very straightforward to flash a heltec.

However ( :wink:), how do I now load it with my callsign instead of the ā€œnocallā€ and also load in the internet access. I canā€™t see any programme to actually control the device.

Thanks to anyone who can steer this computer whizzkid in the right direction!

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ISTR it sets up itā€™s own wifi ā€˜access pointā€™. I canā€™t remember what itā€™s called, but it should be quite obvious, then connect to using your phone or PC, it then gives you all the options for setting up your callsign, wifi access etc.
It should give you a screen similar to this when you logon to it:


The detailed instructions are on the iGateā€™s github wiki here:

Similarly, thereā€™s a wiki forthe tracker here:


I wrote some notes in this thread which ought to guide you.

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Iā€™m beginning to think I have some hidden power for knackering embedded software in general. I twiddled the configuration of one of these HelTek iGates and managed to turn it totally unresponsive. Hooking it up to the log/console on the website gave me the insightful message ā€œStarting LoRa failed!ā€. It also gave me what looked like a command prompt, but I didnā€™t get any useful response from that. Also, the device had not connected to WiFi, nor had it brought up its ā€œthereā€™s no WiFi so Iā€™ll offer my ownā€ interfaceā€¦

At least re-flashing it workedā€¦ :man_shrugging:

I think Iā€™ll leave the NOCALL-10 network defined in my mobile. I rather suspect Iā€™ll need it againā€¦

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G3SMT has an impressive capability with amateur LoRa!

Iā€™ve been messing about with a Heltec tracker over the last few days. Thereā€™s not much in the way of iGates around my area but I took the tracker with me today to see if my own RX iGate would pick it up. My iGate is at the lowest part of the Wenning valley, so probably the worst place for an iGate!

I was amazed that I got picked up at all on my activation of G/NP-022 today and was surprised to get picked up by G3SMT-10 at nearly 100 miles away! Just a couple of miles shy of me earning 1000 miles per watt on UHF! :laughing: Pleasingly my own iGate also populated a few pings on the map.

73, Colin


Hi Colin

I noticed you were being tracked by G3SMT at 160km which is very impressive. My own trials with my tracker have been a bit disappointing. It worked really well at the weekend but today it only managed to track me a couple of streets away. I havenā€™t got a proper case (should come tomorrow) so itā€™s a bit of a lash up at the minute so that wonā€™t have helped.

Are you just using the stock stubby antenna that comes with the board? Is it clipped to your rucksack or in a pocket?

73 Richard


I found G3SMT was also good for tracking in/around that area. Not sure of the setup but I guess there is some height helping G3SMT

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Itā€™s a dirt cheap counterfeit Nagoya 701 antenna which was lying around the shack.

I just stuffed the tracker in the front pocket of my rucksack.


I shall have to get a couple of such antennas for the tracker and iGate. I imagine they make a big difference.

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G3SMTā€™s location (near Old Oswestry racecourse) has good elevation (330m ASL or thereabouts) and good unobstructed view NE. But itā€™s not line of site to Calf Top, and given the distance itā€™s pretty impressive!

Left hand side is calf top:


Diffraction over those sharp bits?


My recommended antenna is this one:

RT18175 FLEXI-SMA-433 Rf Solutions Antenna Flexi SMA 433MHz

Google for sources.


I donā€™t think there is much error checking. If you put in something unexpected, the firmware crashes. I have had the same problem - but I accept that I mistyped something.


I even tried not editing the json file, the system file gave me a green success but the T-beam stayed on the start-up screen.
I didnā€™t have much hair when I started this project, but iā€™ve a lot less after near 2 weeks of VSC and Platformio. :innocent:


Me too.
Flashed the iGate firmware using Richardā€™s online facility. Managed to connect via wiFi to the set-up page and entered the bare minimum of information but when I click ā€œSAVEā€ it just locks the device up with the statement in the log that LoRa failed

I need a stiff drink methinks