EU/VK S2S event 1 May 2022

Well I’m feeling all enthused after that very enjoyable trans-Atlantic event. I couldn’t find a current plan for an EU/VK S2S event (if there is one, perhaps it could be bumped to the top), so thought I’d raise the topic. I think previous Spring events have taken place around this time to the middle of May.

The only Saturday I can’t make in the next month is 21 May. I’ll also try to keep an eye on the alerts for any VK/ZL activators at a suitable time (~0600-0800UTC).

Linked to that, I’ve never spoken to anyone from Japan. A Japanese S2S would make my year :smiley:


Excellent idea!

These are normally coordinated by @2E0YYY and @VK1AD IIRC, so over to them - but failing that, I guess we can arrange something. Count me in anyway!

actually it’s @VK1AD not me.

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Didn’t we just have it? :rofl:

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Now you’re just showing off Fraser :wink: Actually I was also partly encouraged by this other thread.

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No, it’s just that I can’t face any more 0330z alarms!



I have replied direct to you.

Happy to try one more time this week, tomorrow morning, Tuesday 0515 UTC to 0700 UTC from Mt Stromlo VK1/AC-040.

Andrew VK1AD

VK1 weather forecast including next Saturday. Tuesday morning UTC (tomorrow for you) is okay.

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Oh-oh Thursday isn’t looking good in the ACT. Here it’s the only nice day this week and I’m heading out early to a summit - it would have been nice to get an S2S with someone in VK in.

73 Ed.

Hmm, that’s late. My alarm was set for 02:30 local most times that Paul G4MD and I went out on a sortie into Scotland… that was before a 350 mile drive. :joy:


Tuesday it is. Thanks Andrew! 3 alerts up now. I’d better go to bed, it’s nearly time to get up :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Unless someone else wants to step up, I am happy to coordinate the VK side including local VK AR news campaigns. Can we have a volunteer to cover ZL?

I would like to see a JA coordinator join in.

Past events known as ‘VK/ZL/JA - EU/UK SOTA QSO Party’ have shown the optimal timings for both hemispheres, twice per year are:

  1. First Saturday of April, last day of VK daylight saving; and

  2. First weekend of October, ensuring we avoid the WW SSB contest.

I have lost contact with Mike @2E0YYY, who will coordinate the UK/EU side?

Ed @DD5LP was our PR volunteer who has extensive PR contacts and experience.

It goes without saying, all SOTA activators are free to make their own arrangements anytime throughout the year.

73, Andrew VK1AD


I don’t profess to be an expert but I’m happy to coordinate from here. Unless Mike @2E0YYY wishes to continue?
Having said that I’ve just made the ultimate newbie mistake and arrived on summit an hour early :man_facepalming: Can I have that hour in bed back please?


That’s because you live in the wrong country Gerald. We’ve already had this conversation. :wink:


I still do that. And still manage to get home an hour late too…


Why wait 'til Spring :slight_smile:

Five VKs have alerts for Sunday 1st May when the EU long path will be open: 0500-0700z.
It would be great to make contact with as many EU stations as possible.

See you on the air!
73, Gerard - VK2IO


One man’s spring is another’s autumn! Right now I don’t care what season it is, I just wish it would warm up a bit.


I’ve just updated the title to include a date. It hasn’t really been planned, just evolved. However, currently there are 5 Australian activators planning to be on summits from around 0500 UTC on Sunday 1 May. There are also 2 alerts from European activators. More would be very welcome.

Certainly, as the previously linked thread details, there has been quite a bit of success recently in getting contacts between EU and VK. The recent trans-Atlantic S2S event was also very popular so I’ll try and coordinate a date for the European autumn with a bit more notice.

Good DX everybody


Hi Andy,

Unfortunately here in the Bavarian Alpine regions, Saturday & Sunday look like being rather inclement, with long periods of rain, possible thunderstorms and high winds.

Of course, weather forecasts can be wrong and often are around here.
73 Ed.

P.S. at the VK end, May 1st is of course “MAYHAM” the hamfest at Wyong 1 hr north of Sydney but VK2/HU-093 Mt Elliot is a drive-up SOTA summit close to that so, there could be some (possibly non-alerted) activity from there as people leave the event. Mayham is the largest gathering of Amateurs in Australia, in fact actually in the Southern Hemisphere!


wx permitting I’m in with the special event call sign DL20SOTA/p.
10…15 watts into a delta loop. Preferred mode cw but I take a mic along.

Cu on Sunday!
73, Roman