Chasers - Show us your Antennas!

20 metre end fed wire.
The support is hidden in the Nordmann Fir, which was originally a 5 foot potted indoor Christmas tree.
I think it is time to raise it a few metres.



Hello, Heinz!
The only equipment I have and use every time and everywhere as an activator as well as a hunter, is QRP SDR transceivers ALT-51(ALT-511) with Inverted V antenna to 7m fishing pole. At our apartment at Ruse city I only use 40m EFHW feeded at 15m height. At our summer home at Tabachka village I use the same Inverted V antenna, I use for field activations! It’s time to build at least new copies of it, one for foeld, and another for fixed in Tabachka. I have also 4 element 50MHz Yagi, rarely used.
73 44 11 77 de Rumen, LZ2AF, also LZA2AF/p & LZ2AF/2


As a chaser at home I always use homemade EFHW with 20 m wire as inv VEE. The 1:49 transformer is at 2 mtr and the top of the inv VEE is in a tree at 7 mtr height.

40 to 10 mtr I send 100 W.
60 m I use 10W

on the photo the wire was not visible so only picture with drawn wire.

73, Horst


I have the same set up for activating and chasing and put it up on the lawn, strapped to a garden chair, or on the patio, using a drive on pole holder and a kettle bell to hold it in place.

On the lawn, I can guy it out better and fit the larger antenna better, whereas on the patio I can run the coax through the window into the lounge, so I can sit inside. :smiley:


Hi Sota Friends,
when im not on a Summit and im qrv i using an Icom 7300 with 30 Watt and my homebrews OFC Dipols. I use reduced Power from 100 W to 30 W to give Summit to Summit better Chances. Dipol 1 for 80/40/30/15/10 m hangs on a Hight about 10-12m. On my QTH i have absolut no QRM. :slight_smile:

73 Michael


Actually 10 meters pole with a double delta loop for 40 and 20 that works 40 to 10m.

In progress 9 meters tower, 4 elements yagi 10m and 2 elements yagi for 17m.


I use a DX Commander Classic. 40-10m (20x3.5 m radials) FTDX10, 70w Begali Peal twin paddle.


Hallo Heinz anbei Foto meiner Antennen. R7 40-10m, LW for 160,80 and 60m, GP for 2/70.


6 band resonant vertical with 30m and 40m loaded.
Originally built for portable use with a Yaesu FT-450D using the internal ATU. I no longer own the 450.
My radio of choice is the FT-817and using 2.5w CW I can work across the pond most days. Antenna’s change a few times a year


Looks like a good counterpoise… Nicely wet :wink:

73 Armin


Hi Heinz,

At the roof of my apartment there is a 20 to 6 meter rotatable Hexbeam. I have a 9 element VHF yagi under the hexbeam.

On the left side a homebrew 40m full size Delta loop (6m appex).

Further left an inverted L for 30 and 80 meters.

Rig is IC-7300 running 75 watts.

Cheers, 73 Ignacio


On the top a rotary dipole for 40m. A 6 el. logoperiodic from Tennadyne and inv V dipoles for 30 and 80m.

In the shack a FTDX 101D and an Expert 1K-FA.

73 de EA4R Alf


SpiderBeam HD, five-band, 20 m through 10 m. Suspended from trees at 50 ft = 15 m. A motorized rotator at ground level turned the antenna by a floating tether system.

Crazy you say? It served me well with minimal care and maintenance from early 2016 until late 2022 when I took it down to prepare for moving it to a new QTH. Raising and lowering was an easy one man job by means of a 2:1 mechanical advantage halyard. Typically left up through storms and only lowered in anticipation of ice or wet snow.


…But it looks elaborate and artistic…

73 Armin


Hex beam on a push up mast at about 15’ or 5 meters. And a DX88 vertical with a neighbor that pushes out a ton of noise.


Raising/lowering the antenna for maintenance was easy. Initial work – clearing limbs and trees, installation of the rigging – different story.


Nice one Matt :+1:

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these towers of big antennas are like what i’d do if i won the lottery and then bought a house big enough with large grounds to have a tower and big antennas :slight_smile:

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A tower? Lots of towers I think.

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yesterday I finished a installation of a 4 elements yagi for 28mhz 7.5m up.