quickly closing in on 40. I have activated SOAT on and off since around 2005, with a large break around the time i was at uni and doing other stuff. I am no where near GOAT status and don’t chase much as i dont really have any shack setup at home. i sometimes get an antenna put up temporarily in the garden but do 90% of my operating as SOTA.
I keep meaning to learn CW and i do go about learning it for a few days/weeks at a time before i get lazy.
Kit for activating:
RIG - FT817
PSU - Lifepo4 4.2mAh battery
ANT - EFHW 20m(have a 40-10m EFHW but not used it yet)
mast - 10m fibreglass mast
HT -FT70D(still to have afusion qso)
base station
Kenwood TS-480(have used this on SOTA before got my 817)(love kenwoods, best audio i feel)
MC-60 Mic
same antennas as SOTA as no fixed antenna.