In a parallel thread José, EA7GV, showed a photo of his shortwave antenna that he uses for some serious SOTA chasing. I would like to see more of the antennas used by chasers!
To all chasers: Let us see what you have, please post photos of your antennas!
Hello Heinz,
Inv. vee wire dipoles, centers at @ 90 ft for 160M, and 70 ft. for 80M.
Two rotatable 2-driven-element arrays, CAL-AV LABS 2D-40A @ 89’ and 2D-30A @ 98’ for 40M and 30M, respectively; both full-size arrays.
Full-size fixed Dipoles at 80’ for 20M and 70’ for 17M. First part of all guy cables is Phyllistran, to allow for future loading of the tower for low-bands. Two separate clicks on picture for detail. All this stuff from single 90’ tower of Rohn 55, on a hill in the Tucson Mountains
Everything with 70 t0 90 Watts. Uppermost rod is lightning air terminal.
Hello My main chasing antenna from home is a Homemade 80m End Fed half Wave. Feed point up 15m across my yard to a large gum tree which must be 20m tall. My wire is horizontal right across my yard and I live in a rural setting 465m above sea level.
happy hunting
Ian vk5cz …
Not really my antennas, but the ones I’m using today. It’s the local club station DL0TY where I built my home office today. Nice place to work. Brilliant start of the day with VK3KR/P on VK3/VC-002 on 20 m SSB.
When chasing I use mainly homebrew EFHW4010 as inv-L. Transformer is at 3mtr off the ground and rest of the wire is horizontal at 10mtr height. For weak signals I use Delta Loop 160m as RX antenna, which is horizontal at 7mtr height.
My home QTH is at 310m asl in rural setting.
I transmit at 25W on CW and 100W SSB
GL 73 Marek
PS. Sorry I don’t have any pictures of my antennas.
I can’t supply a picture that would make sense! I use a 40m long doublet at about 9 metres height down a 9X50m garden bordered by trees, so it would probably take three or four photos to show its full length.
For me a 20m EFHW at around 25ft at the feed point sloping to around 20ft at the end of the garden for HF and a tribander 6m/2m/70cm at around 25ft high and TX/RX via a Kenwood TS2000.
Unfortunately I don’t have a shack at home… My TRX is on the dining table and is put aside on occasion.
The antenna is a random wire (about 21 m) and is fed by the tuner LDG RT-100 (which I can really recommend).
It hangs about 7m above ground and is shielded on 3 sides by higher houses and towards east by a mountain (behind the bushes and trees).
Unfortunately I have local noise from about S7 - 9 on 40m and also on other bands (the higher the less)…
… that’s why most of the chaser points are caused by S2S.
I was only allowed to set up a home station outdoor antenna in the 1970s.
Because of antenna bans by later apartment owners, I have since successfully used indoor doublets and active loop receiving antennas.
This usually enables me to work the SOTA stations that I can hear - of course not in competition with QRO chasers and/or owners of dream antennas, hi.
I live in a semi-detached house, 3.15 meters wide. Fortunately no neighbors complain about my antenna on their roofs.
I use a homemade triband antenna type C3 Force12 at 22 meters high. However, the street above is higher and the antenna is about 15 meters above that street.
For 30 and 40 meters use Dipoles. I don’t have an antenna for 6 and 80 meters.
Hello Heinz!
Here is my “main” antenna, 3 element tri-bander at 14 meters high, that’s all.
And dipole wire antennas for the other bands. The little 6 meter beam lower
on the tower is not there anymore.
Hello Pom,
Great to work you yesterday from Mt Donna Buang, an 8+3 point summit easily reached from Melbourne. It was my first activation there during the Winter Bonus Season and it was cold, as expected. I set up in a sheltered spot behind a moss covered rock to escape the wind and was able to stay till dusk. My station was a TS-480 running 40W SSB to a link dipole at 7m, power was my ‘Field Power Supply’, a rugged case housing a pair of big LiPos and a DC-DC converter.
Thanks to all the stations who called, it’s always a thrill to work Eu from here in VK!
I am very satisfied with my MidiLoop by I3VHF. Big signals local but also well suited for DX. Installation on top of my roof was not easy as shown on my page on
73 from the Dutch guy!
Rienus PA0RBA
When we moved in to apartments I never even thought to fire up the radio and it sat idle on the shelf for two years. Then I thought to try if I can hear at least something and solder up a quick RX coax mag loop. To my surprise it worked reasonably well for indoors, so I’ve bite the bullet building two TX loops
I used to have this in the back garden, until the landlord’s ‘workers’ came around one day to cut the trees back and destroyed it :(, plus the 2m ‘white stick’, and a 2m beam with rotator. Both the the cobwebb and 2m beam were on extendable poles but normally used just where they are in the pic
Have recently moved and so far have no antennae, or even radios plugged in Hopefully be back on one of the low hills nearby soon.
I’m quite envious of someone out the back of the house who seems to have quite an antenna farm!