A winter 001 activation - Vignemale


A few days ago I got a message from friends "hey we are going to Vignemale on Monday / Tuesday are you in ? " No more words needed, crampons and ice axes were already wriggling.

Starting from Cauterets - Pont d’Espagne, we headed in the valley to Refuge des Oulettes and he was still here, immense with his 1000m north face looking as us, breathetaking,:

After filling the water bottles, direction Col des Oulettes, on the left of “Petit Vignemale” pic:

Nice view from the col, towards col des Mulets and pic d’Aratille:

Arriving to refuge de Baysselance, 2650 m, the view is stunning, as we can see the whole Gavarnie chain (Mont-Perdu, Marboré, Brèche de Roland, Taillon …):

Sunset is even better, giving us a “cherry on the summmits”:

A few glasses of wine, a nice dinner and a restless night later, we are finally ready to start. It’s late but lets the fun beggin:

The glacier d’Ossoue is covered with a rather thin layer of snow, almost an early summer conditions:

After the long strech on the glacier, climbing the last part of the summit, Pique Longue, is rather intimidating as you have 200 m very steep on one side and 1000 m vertical on the other.

Waiting for friends on the final crest:

Summit, sky is a bit grey this afternoon but still beautiful:

Descent is a bit tricky, we take our time to not make a mistake:

Heading down on the glacier, or what’s left of it: mission completed.

The radio part of the trip was very minimal, as I only made 6 contacts on 40 m. We didn’t want to lose too much time, and friends were kind enough to take a bit of a cold while waiting for me to set up my “fishing rod and lines.” Thank you, chasers, again for your prompt responses!

73 - Rémy


Nice trip Rémy. Good job.

See you soon.

73’ Alain

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Great day, great photos, thanks.

cheers, Geoff vk3sq

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Hi Rémy,
Fantastic winter expedition, congratulations on this adventure and thank you for the contact!
See you soon,
Chris F4WBN

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Great!!! Double like - if it would be possible.

73, Ludwig

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Awesome! Formidable…

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Excellent outing. Great to see a good mountaineering route to a SOTA summit.

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Just one word, Wowww! Love it.
What a nice trip. Jealous….

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW

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No words! Just wow. Beautiful spot Rémy

73 de VE6JTW, Jesse

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