Cracoe Fell

In reply to M3XLG:
Hi Chris
First of all congratulations to you and Scott on the first activation.
I am not admin but i’m afraid computer systems are very unforgiving.
At the moment it appears that G6MZX using the Crag call was first - this is patently wrong. I think this database anomaly is well known.
As you see earlier in the thread I asked when the activation would appear on here, but I fear the same thing will occur. If, however, you look at the bottom of each page there is a link to ‘change log’ in which Jon has set a ‘to do’ of first activation by time.
I fear that this will not solve your problem as one of you will have activated first.
I hope, but don’t expect, that something can be done, but we all know you were equal first in spirit.

Roger G4OWG

In reply to G4OWG: We have not submitted our logs yet because we would like to see if they can sort it out for us…

I run a site of my own and know it is possible but maybe they need someone at the top to help with this request…

In reply to M3XLG:

This is the sort of thing that you need to post to the webmaster about: click on reply, look at the bottom of the page, and click on webmaster. Its much too advanced for me!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G4OWG:

look at the bottom of each page there is a link to ‘change log’ in
which Jon has set a ‘to do’ of first activation by time.

Of course to compound matters, is it the first QSO or the first qualifying 4th QSO that the database selects? I suppose the former as an activation is not a qualification if insufficient QSOs are made - you can still log it for zero points. So technically to bag being the first to activate a new summit, you could be on at the stroke of midnight GMT, make one QSO and leg it… definitely not in the spirit!

73, Gerald

In reply to G4OIG:

It is the former Gerald. If you look at High Rigg (LD-044) you will see I was first with only 3 contacts - I certainly legged it as I watched the lightning strike ground less than a mile away :slight_smile:

In reply to M3XLG

I would re-enter your log Chris the problem is a database rule problem, at the moment it appears to take the day and then works down callsigns in level order.

Roger G4OWG

Just a question for the admin team (Jon) - is there any reason why Thorpe Fell Top remains in the summits list or is this just an oversight? I assume it will disappear from immediate view, but be kept in the “archives” as per Horse Head Moor NP-021 last year.

73, Gerald

Hi Gerald,

It is because Jon, to save time, manually added Cracoe Fell to SOTAwatch, rather than initiated a full synch/update from the Database. This, as you have observed, has resulted in the ‘no longer valid’ summit being dealt with in a different way to previous instances.

Personally, I would like to have all ‘old’ summits still visible in the lists, but marked as ‘old’ in some way (italics?). That’s just my own view though.


In reply to M1EYP:

Thanks for the explanation Tom. I agree with your thoughts on the “old” summits being visible, but it could cause confusion to those new to SOTA who don’t know the history. Best leave as is I think.

73, Gerald