Keep your eyes open on eBay. You often see older stuff going for peanuts from SK sales. In my case I got an early SSB electronics set of modules from an SK sale. But… the guy handling the sale had had no luck trying to shift it as it needs a bit of work. I got for an excellent price. There’s no 23cm c/o switching so at present you switch from RX to TX by moving the antenna from 1 BNC to another. Likewise you need to move the 144MHz IF cable between two BNCs. Also the tin plate boxes were missing lids etc. But it works and makes 1W out on 23cm all modes. I think it wants 1W drive on 2m. So it’s a bit of a faff but it gets you a usable system and 1W from a hill to some simple antennas is a viable system.
Or you could punt about £170 for an SG Lab transverter which is good value for money. Or if you are feeling flush, a Kuhne DB6NT tansverter but they are not cheap. €545 + shipping new!
There’s lots of kit gathering dust so asking on some of the for sale boards can bring in interesting offers as well.
My goals usually change throughout the year. But to start with, I’ve set myself the goal of travelling to the Alps more often (or staying there longer when I’m there) to activate as many unique summits as possible.
I also want to do more activations with simple, home-built QRP radios, which are already available in my shack. And last but not least, I want to try activating on top band. This, however, requires a suitable antenna, which still needs to be designed.
But above all: Enjoy our wonderful hobby!
I have built a coupler for the coax cable loop but I am yet to try it out.
I have have a couple of nearby summits that have plenty of trees to hang things from and I think 160m qualification should be achievable during our winter (mid year).