Yet Another SOTA

Santa on the Air

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I used to enjoy trying to contact Santa or his elves each year. I was able to put up a temporary antenna in a rented garden near my house. I miss that garden, it was RF quiet!

Santa was going rather fast one year and I had learnt to send using a KD1JV MTR - the keyer timing is different enough to make me struggle with the FT-817, making me send gibberish! Oh well, I still got the contact -

In recent times Iā€™m getting a bit tolerant of different keyers, but the MTR is still the one that I get on with.



As a child I used to communicate with Santa by writing down on a scrap of paper, all the things I wanted and sending it up the chimney when the fire was on. Seemed to work reasonably well when I saw the results on Christmas day.

Has SOTA replaced that method? :laughing:

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