The wolverine tracks crossed the path several times, and suddenly another wolverine track came in - and the second wolverine walked in the track of the first. .
The sun went down and it quickly got colder, so it was time to pack up the equipment and head home.
Thanks to all the chasers out there for their patience in a heavy pilup and my dyslexia
Nice. Probably one of the premium SOTA winter summits in the world. With a cosy hut and oven. That’s a fun activation to have. I need to put it on my todo list - hi.
We are lucky in Norway: Both the Norwegian Tourist Association (DNT for short) and Statskog (a Norwegian state enterprise responsible for managing the state’s forest and mountain properties, which together make up about 20% of Norway’s land area) have open cabins that are free to use. For the record, both organizations also have a large number of cabins around Norway that you can rent.