What's this ANOTHER "on-the-air" program? BOTA

For that I think you have to wait for GBA (Global Beach Activity)

73 Armin

Just Another On The Air attempt at an award programme. They come up every few months. Hardly any catch on. Beaches On The Air has been tried before: sand and amateur radio are not always comfortable bedfellows.

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Maybe they want to make it just a little harder so the WWFF mob don’t steal all their references? :wink:

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HF does work so well from the beach though… EA8 to E51 5W SSB 58/53 first call. 16500km with a sub-optimal antenna.


The most wonderful thing we (me, dog and XYL) have gleaned from our SOTA adventures is the beauty that can only be seen from the summits. I guess this could be applied to beaches to depending on perspective…but looking out over the countryside always makes every climb worth it to me and would be hard pressed to beat!