VIDEO: OE5 Team activation of Hochreichhart - Day 2 of 2

Hello everyone,

As today the weather here at my home QTH is so bad I found right away time to edit also the second video from the OE5 team activations.

This is one day after our tour to Feistererhorn (Reflector).

After an relaxing afternoon, enjoying the hospitality of the mountainhut and partially joining the 80th birthday party of the former hutwarden of the Hochreichharthütte we begun our hike next day after a very nice breakfast.
The sun was out already and conditions looked a lot better.

Please look forward to scenic views on this summit with 2416m OE/ST-024 in our video.

Btw. on the summit a young couple took videos by drone and I asked them if they would share it. So this time also some fly-overs like an eagle.

But see for yourself in our video report:

73 de Joe