VIDEO: OE5 Team activation of Feistererhorn - Day 1 of 2

Hello everyone,

This is the report from the first day of two of well known activators from OE5 heading out for fun weekend with mountain hut hospitality and activiting on many bands and modes.

Franz OE5FSM did a great job in planning and organizing a potential weekend. And we found a suitable one. It was almost perfect despite the fact that Sylvia OE5YYN was already booked for trip to LA. But this time Martin OE5REO was able to join us for Friday and Saturday.

Due to a rain front passing thru we decided to do the shorter hike to Feistererhorn OE/ST-093 on Saturday and Hochreichart OE/ST-024 on Sunday. This made Sunday a more demanding and time consuming day but we managed.
That story will be in the next video to be released soon. You can look forward to that as it will include drone footage taken by a fellow hiker up there.

But here the part 1 - Group activation of Feistererhorn:

I hope you all enjoy our activity!

73 Joe