Hi there! I’ve been reading this post and I want to share my experiment with a vertical solution; its just a rearrange of a linked dipole with a 5m whip and the KX0R versatile tuner that I usually use with my EFHW antenna.
Here sometimes the wind at the summits it’s really strong, so its better to use a reduced size vertical instead. I have a DX-Wire “Midi” 11.5m but it can be used with a fishing rod also, it was tested on a small version of my pole, only 6m raised.
Here is a draw that I was been using on a windy summit, the wind was so strong that broke the tip of my pole… I change to my EFHW but I notice that the radiation Pattern was not really good for DX.
I made this rearrange of the dipole, used as tuned radials:
The circuit its this:
Using the tuner allow me to adjust the SWR on different terrain conditions.
I tested and worked ok!, I compared it with my EFHW and the report said it was better with the EFHW on 40m but on 20 and 15m I made some CW qso; saddly no RBN registered my activity yesterday.
Soon I will be using it on a summit!