Two Fridays in the Lakes

I was lucky to get the chance to go to the Lake District two Fridays in a row. Amazingly each day had a good weather forecast - fine but with fairly strong winds.

Friday 2024-09-27 Pike Of Blisco G/LD-024
I arrived at the Old Dungeon Ghyll car park at about 10am. It’s a small car park but free for National Trust members. I was hoping there would be space - I would hope so on a weekday outside school holidays. There were a few spaces left but I think it probably filled up quite soon after I arrived. There is another NT car park at Stickly Ghyll that adds another kilometre or so each way so I knew I could always go back there.
Obligatory Herdy photo

The route is straightforward. Follow the road to the camp site and then the footpath goes steeply up. This isn’t as bad as it used to be as there is now a proper path that zig zags up. It comes out at the cattle grid at the top of the road over to Little Langdale. I crossed the road and followed the right hand path. This goes through lots of bracken and eventually joins the main path up from the road. Just follow this all the way to the top.
The Langdale Pikes. These are not SOTA summits but somewhere behind them is High Raise G/LD-019


Pike of Blisco has two summits and I think the second one is higher, but it doesn’t matter as both are in the activation zone. I found a spot just down that gave me reasonable shelter from the wind. I’m not usually too worried about wind as I have a tarp that gives good shelter but I think I would have struggled to find a large enough area of grass to pitch it. The spot I chose had somewhere I could push the pole into so I didn’t have to worry about where to push the guy pegs into. When I got onto 10m and 15m it wasn’t so good for the radials so I had to improvise a bit.

I had a reasonable run on 30m using my EFHW including one S2S thanks to the ever reliable Bruno @HB9CBR followed by a few on 20m. I then set up my antenna for 2m FM only to find the battery on my handheld was flat - I hadn’t bothered charging the battery as I had hardly used it on the previous activation. It was flat because I’d left it on. I shall try not to make that mistake again!
I then set up the groundplane for 10m and 15m. 10m was hopeless - no spots from RBN and a self spot didn’t bring any contacts. I changed the link for 15m and got a couple including @W4GO. I was very disappointed at how poor 10m still is for me despite all the good reports on the reflector.

I think High Raise G/LD-019 is just visible in the distance this time.

I descended towards Red Tarn turning right towards Oxendale. From here it’s only a couple of km back to the car but seems a lot further!
I think that might be Old Man of Coniston GLD-013 on the left and Black Combe G/LD-030 on the right in the distance



Another Herdy shot

Friday 2024-10-04 Old Man of Coniston G/LD-013
I parked at the Walna Scar Road car park which is up a steep road from Coniston village. Parking here is £6 for 4 hours or £8.50 for 24 hours. 4 hours would be enough to do up and down the Old Man but not for a SOTA activation so I had to pay the £8.50. The machine accepted Google Pay on my phone so it was easy. It’s expensive but I don’t often have to pay to park for SOTA as most routes start from laybys or free car parks. Paying a couple of times a year doesn’t seem too bad. Parking here shortens the route and avoids a steep climb and isn’t actually much more than parking in the village.
Cloud was down at the start

I followed the main tourist track up via Low Water that goes through some of the old slate quarry workings. On this path I met a group of people with shovels. They were clearing out the gullies on the footpath. Apparently they have to do this every couple of months.



Low Water

Low Water and the path up from the summit

I reached the summit quicker than I expected and now had to find a spot out of the wind. One side is very steep and one is very gentle. Unfortunately the wind was southerly and coming up the gentle side. It wasn’t possible to shelter safely on the steep side so I had to set up the tarp. It wasn’t hard to find a reasonably flat grassy area where the pegs would go in so setting up the tarp and guying the pole was straightforward and gave good shelter. Despite this and all my layers it was quite chilly from the southerly wind. Last week’s had been from the north but this felt colder. The cloud was just down on the top most of the time and this is probably what made it feel cold.

As usual I started on 30m and had a reasonable pile up. There were lots of very strong signals. After working a couple of stations I couldn’t make out anything but realised there was a /P at the end of a call. I sent /P? and back came Colin @M1BUU/P on Whernside G/NP-004. The good run continued for a while. I was relieved because there was a forecast for a geomagnetic storm so I was glad to get 4 in the bank. I switched to 20m for a couple more S2S and worked a few more chasers too.

I switched to 2m FM. This time I had charged the handheld and I got 3 QSOs which is still far fewer than I used to get on this band. One was @2E0JWA/P who was climbing the Old Man. I thought he might make it to the top before I left but I never saw him.

Then it was the multiband GP. I got 4 QSOs on 10m including 2 US and on 15m there were 10 QSOs with 3 US with the furthest being @K5OHY in Texas. At last the higher bands are beginning to work again for me!

I descended via Goat’s Water to the Walna Scar Road and back to the car park.

Looking back to the summit with Coniston Water in the background

The path down to Goat’s Water


Great report and some excellent photos

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Great report. Fabulous weather!

I called you immediately on 30m but the timing of my call obviously didn’t work out well for me! I had gone out up Whernside G/NP-004 specifically to work you S2S. I was expecting the flare to hit and reckoned it was not worth the risk of not qualifying a summit that I hadn’t activated this year. Whernside is about 1 hour from door to summit. I had been sat waiting on 30m to call you.

My son called using my £7.49 Baofeng handheld on 2m FM but you can’t have heard him and we had strong co-channel interference from some rag-chewers. I heard you say to a caller that you were intending to try 10m and possibly 15m. I was pleased at that snippet of info because I had hoped to get you on 10m for S2S and the 10m Challenge.

I sat on 10m for quite some time, listening to the big pile up for V44KAI. I was pleased to get you on 10m eventually. I then connected the microphone and fired up on 10m SSB as I thought my son might like to see SSB in action. My son said he wasn’t particularly bothered about having any QSOs but he seemed pretty impressed when I worked Matt @W4GO and AC6ZQ with my QRP FT-817.

Nice report Richard and I hope you didn’t mind me working you on three bands!

73, Colin


Great reports, Richard, especially the Old Man, I hope to activate it someday. Sorry I missed you, but I did catch Alan JWA. 73 John G0MHF.

It was fun to follow your progress and that of ‘JWA on LoRa APRS.The system did a pretty good job of tracking your progress now there are a couple of well sited digipeaters in the Lakes. I noticed that you didn’t quite meet and wondered if you were aware of each other.

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In previous years, I would have done Old Man of C and Pike o’B by October but I’ve been avoiding all the longer-walk-in G/LD summits for the last 4 months because of pain in the ball of my left foot. Looking at your photos has made me keen to tackle them and now that the pain is (slowly) going, I hope to be activating them before the winter weather arrives.

I normally don’t go in for carrying redundant equipment but a spare pencil and spare (fully-charged) 2m FM HT battery are the exceptions.


I don’t normally write activation reports as I’m not sure I have anything interesting to say so I’m glad you all enjoyed reading it. With the weather looking good I made an effort to have my camera to hand while I was walking. Of course, in the Lake District it’s hard not to have a scenic view.

On all 3 bands all I heard was a cacophony of tones but each time I got the /P at the end. This is one of many reasons why I think signing /P is a good idea when activating.

I knew about Colin but I didn’t realise I had two SOTA stalkers!

I’m always happy to be called for S2S and there are a few chasers that often call me on multiple bands and that is fine.

Richard, you’ll find there several groups of people who find reports with pictures interesting for the following reasons:

  • They have activated the hill and like being reminded of their time there.
  • They may have climbed the hill before but are no longer physically cable of climbing it and like being reminded.
  • People who were never hillwalkers enjoying seeing the countryside and reading about operating outdoors.

In this case the pictures are very good and worth letting others see them.


Thank you for the report. I enjoy reading them and look at the routes chosen and they are very effective at encouraging me to get out and up a hill. The photo’s are brilliant. I still have a couple of uniques missing from my Lake District collection, but repeating both of the hills you did looks very appealing - minus the morse key :anguished:

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It was only the photos that motivated me to write the report. I used to be quite keen on photography (which is why I prefer to take photos with a camera and not a phone) so every time I see a report here full of photos I think I really should do the same.

You’ve chased me very competently with CW twice so you should give it a go on an activation. If you do that I promise I’ll give SSB a go.

Due to a navigational error I had to go back down, and restart ! Iknew you were up there still, when I was almost at the top as other people who were descending were telling me! :rofl: :rofl: but I was gutted when Id finally dragged my lardy behind up there, to find you had packed up, and gone… according to the LoRa Trackers, about 10 mins before I got there! I was trying pal, sorry! However, I owe you a thanks, because I worked you on the way up, I activated and Completed on the same day! :rofl: :rofl:

As for contacts a fared somewhat better on VHF with 21 in the Log, I didnt bother with HF despite lugging the kit up there!

Thanks pal
