Tablet 7"

Interesting topic as Esther (GI0AZA) has been using a Windows Tablet, Linx, with attached keyboard on the summits to log contacts. She uses ‘Fast Log’ and it works a treat, haven’t got into the data modes as yet, but maybe this winter. To lighten the weight of the Tablet we can detach the keyboard but haven’t ventured down that route as yet as the screen is a little awkward to use with touch as opposed to the keyboard. I picked up a second hand Tesco Hudle 2 recently and have loaded Peters excellent VK Port a Log, it works a treat and also has WWFF logger as well as simple portable logging and SOTA. I have used the Hudle on four summits recently and certainly makes the upload to SOTA website so easy :slight_smile: I think it also does the logging of S2S and Chasers as well, but haven’t figured that out as yet. The touch screen on the Hudle works a treat but I’m always on VHF as opposed to HF so a slightly different operating stance as I usually use a Trig Point to rest on or perch on a post if I can. One thing from the Hudle is the noise generated when saving a contact, it wipes out VHF for 5-8 seconds :cold_sweat: Anyway will keep watching this thread for tips and eating recommendation!

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