SSB Receiver

I know I’m being very specific, but I’d like to record both sides as if being heard by a 3rd party.
However, I’ve found this thread very valuable. Some of the regenerative receiver designs are great, would make a nice little project. There are kits on eBay for valve based receivers as well.

The OTA/Dongle solution is great but as you say there is nothing like flicking an on/off switch and turning a dial.

Cheers, Mark.

Granted, except you can’t. Your TX audio will always be “perfect” (i.e. no propagation loss, no propagation distortions, no QRM etc.) and your RX audio is whatever propagation produces for your location. Someone 500miles away may/will hear entirely different signals (they may be in your QSO partner’s skip zone). If you want to hear what others hear, record the streaming audio from a variety of remote receivers as they will show you what someone with antennas at say Hack Green would hear.

You are right. Recording hackgreen for 80m qsos I guess is what I’m looking from for other bands.

If web sdrs had an API I could query via software to see which could hear both sides of the qsos and kick off recording.

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