SOTA Norway meetup: 14-15 September 2024 - many Norwegian activations

On Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of September, members of SOTA Norway will meet for socialising and activation summits.
A ‘base’ will be set up both days in a tent at Blåhøe 1617 ASL using the call sign LA1SOTA. The plan is to use a 100 W transmitter and be active on frequencies from 10m to 80m depending on the radio conditions on the two days. In addition, a number of nearby peaks will be activated on both days by the participants. On these summits, participants will use their own call signs.


Congratulations, great initiative. It should be considered in other countries as well.


At the same time will be held OE5 SOTA day.
See you on air :exclamation:

73, Jarek


Awesome, I hope to get on air and work you for a S2S


… *“considered in other countries

Actually, it was done in another country, Claudio, by YLs in the US state of Oregon, followed by the annual Queens of the Mountains event with special 1x1 call signs. Lots of involvement, since there are 112 YLs in SOTA. The organizer is Amy, AG7GP.

Elliott, K6EL


OE5 has a similar event

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We discovered it after we had agreed on a date for our event. We are very much looking forward to S2S with stations OE5 district


Most of the participants had a 4.5 - 5 hour drive to get to this year’s SOTA Norway meetup. Some of us also had to take a detour because of road closures due to flooding. The 8 participants met Friday evening to plan details for Saturday. Saturday everyone drove up to Blåhøe to help set up tent and antennas.

We used a vertical for 15-17 and 20m,

as well as two 807-antennas from that were set up in different directions on a 12 metre fibreglass mast.

The transmitter was an Icom IC-7000. We also used VHF for S2S between those who activated the peaks.

All participants activated Blåhøe with the LA1SOTA call sign before all but one person travelled on to activate nearby peaks with their own call sign.

LA1SOTA was in operation from 10:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC from 10 to 40 metres.

Neither the radio conditions nor the weather conditions were the best, with highly variable radio conditions and -1C and about 9-10 metres per second wind on the mountain tops.

Saturday evening we had dinner together at the local hotel, with good food and many good conversations.

On Sunday, the activation on Blåhøe was planned again, but due to heavy wind and rain and low temperatures at the top, we cancelled this activation. We split into groups/individuals on Sunday, and the participants activated a number of other mountain peaks in the vicinity with their own call sign, and it was also activated on the trip home to their home QTH.

The participants at the gathering were:

  • LB0CJ Steinar
  • LB1RH Lauris
  • LB4MI Helge
  • LB5DH Henrik
  • LB7PC Erik
  • LB8CG Mikhail
  • LB8DC Morten
  • LA9DSA Knut