Richard, G3CWI, has done a lot of work to popularise the use of APRS trackers with many iGates now tracking activators on the hills (mainly in the NW of England). Now, M0JKS has designed a 3D printed case which incorporates the SOTA logo (thanks to back up effort from G5OLD) and is making the cases, and also fully equipped trackers, available through the SOTA webshop ( with a commission payable into SOTA funds.
The following options will be available:
- 3D printed case with fitted 2000 mAH battery, BMS board, switch and antenna socket with matching connector
- Fully assembled tracker with a Heltec board fitted and the basic firmware flashed onto the board (there will be an option to configure the firmware with your callsign etc – but this is easy enough to do via a mobile phone browser)
- Accessory pack which includes a 3D printed docking/charging station, belt clip, wrist strap and USB charging cable
The final configuration option will also allow optional transmit frequencies to be configured – this is limited to the amateur radio 70 cm band (439.9125 MHz in the UK and 433.775 MHz in Europe). If other frequencies are used in your country please advise at the time of purchase.
Finally, we must acknowledge to excellent work (and ongoing commitment) by Ricardo Guzman, CA2RXU, for the firmware that makes these boards functional as an APRS tracker