SOTA booth at the HAM RADIO 2023 in Friedrichshafen

I would expect the ticket office would like to see a pension card, which you get in Germany as a 65th birthday present…

If you have your passport or ID card to show you are over 65, you may get the reduced price but no promises.

They actually knock a further €3 off the price if you buy the 3-day ticket through the online shop - I wonder how they check you are a pensioner (“Rentner”) there?

If you have taken early retirement (before 65) I suspect you wont get the reduced price without showing a pensioners card to prove you are no longer working full-time.

73 Ed.

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I got the “Rentner” tariff last year, since I was really retired, but I wasn’t over 65 then (now I am ! :slight_smile: ).
I bought my ticket online, and no one ever checked at the door.



Many thanks to the last donors, Petr @OK1CZ, Coen @PA5KM and also Stephan @HB9EAJ. Thank you for your financial support! We look forward to meeting you at the stand.

We last wrote to you that there will be a little surprise :question:

There will be a small raffle at the stand. For a small donation you can take part in the raffle - it’s worth it :slightly_smiling_face: At the booth there will be a box from which the winners will be drawn. Just stop by and join in.

Of course, what is there to win :interrobang:

We have two main prizes :smiley:

Firstly, a BaMaKeY TP-III morse key from And of course not just any. It is one of the special edition in green with a unique engraving for Ham Radio 2023! This key should not be missing in any collection. Many thanks to Markus @DL6YYM for this key which you can win :+1: :beers: :smiley:

And secondly a Pico Paddle from Palm Radio in a silver aluminium case, also a special edition! This key is also a must-have in every collection. Many thanks to Hannes @DL9SCO for this key which you can win :smiley: :+1: :beers:

Excluded from the raffle are, unfortunately, the booth staff and the Orga Team of the booth - sri :wink:

The raffle will take place on Sunday, 25.06.2023 at the stand at about 14:30. If the winner is not present, the prize will be sent to him/her :outbox_tray:

We look forward to meeting you at the exhibition stand and keep our fingers crossed for one of these prizes for each participant :four_leaf_clover:

Marcel DM3FAM es Roman DL3TU and of course on behalf of the Orga Team and the stand staff.


Like so?


Hello together. Now something for the eye :face_with_peeking_eye: Here are the latest pictures of the SOTA Ham Radio 2023 TP-III Morse key from that you can win at the booth.

Serial Number 966.

Thanks again to Markus @DL6YYM for this nice prize. Many people already know him. offers high quality morse keys and other equipment like flight decks for logging, feed antennas, equipment housings and various portal accessories for radio amateurs. Markus always has an open ear for questions and wishes.

We keep our fingers crossed for all participants! :four_leaf_clover:

73 Marcel DM3FAM es Roman DL3TU and on behalf of the organising team.


Many thanks to the latest donors Sabina @S53YL with Milos @S57D and Christian @DK5CH. Thank you for your financial support! We look forward to meeting you at the stand.

Following a query from Sylvia @OE5YYN, the planning of this year’s SOTA Dinner has been taken in hand by Joe @OE5JFE. After a survey it became serious. For more info and registration, see this post here on Reflecor:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Our SOTA stand will be announced in today’s “Deutschlandrundspruch” at 1730 UTC on 3777 kHz LSB.
In the preview the announcement is already available since yesterday:

News: Deutschland-Rundspruch 23/2023, 23. KW - DARC (Login required)

Here is the announcement and its translation:

Erstmals SOTA-Stand auf der HAM RADIO
Zum ersten Mal wird SOTA in diesem Jahr auf der HAM RADIO mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten sein. SOTA steht für Summits on the Air und ist ein Diplom-Programm für Funkamateure, das den Portabelbetrieb in Gebirgs- und Mittelgebirgsregionen fördert [6].
Neben vielen Informationen rund um das Thema Bergfunk gibt es zahlreiche praktische Tipps und Hinweise zu Fragen rund um den Funkbetrieb auf Gipfeln und die richtige Ausrüstung. Jeweils mittags um 12 Uhr findet das Treffen der SOTA-Enthusiasten am Stand A1-190 statt. Hier gibt es Gelegenheit zum persönlichen Austausch mit Freunden, die man bisher nur vom Funk kennt. Weitere und aktuelle Infos zum SOTA-Messestand gibt es im SOTA Reflector (Forum) [7]. “Wir freuen uns auf viele Besucher”, berichten Marcel Müller, DM3FAM, und Roman Brunel, DL3TU.

First time SOTA booth at the HAM RADIO.
For the first time, SOTA will have its own booth at HAM RADIO this year. SOTA is short for Summits on the Air and is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. [6].
In addition to lots of general information about mountain radio, there are many useful hints on questions about radio operation on summits and the right equipment. At noon each day, the meeting of SOTA enthusiasts will take place at booth A1-190. There will be the opportunity for a personal exchange with friends you have only met on the radio before. Further and current information about the SOTA booth can be found in the SOTA Reflector [7]. “We are looking forward to many visitors”, report Marcel Müller, DM3FAM, und Roman Brunel, DL3TU.


Are these going to be available at FH?

73 Karlo

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Hello Karlo @9A3BKF. Yes, a small amount will be available at the booth.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Very nice,I hope to buy a flag too :slight_smile:

I am setting off towards Friedrichshafen tomorrow - of course trying to make a few activations on the way - and I would like to remind you that the meeting of SOTA friends at 12.00 has been moved from the QSL wall to the SOTA Booth! Look forward to seeing you there!

73, Sylvia


Have a safe trip Sylvia!
I’m leaving Tuesday morning, to arrive in FN Thursday evening.
Hope to have a few S2S along the way :wink:
CU there, 73


Andy (@MM0FMF ) and I leave from Edinburgh for Switzerland tomorrow and should arrive in Friedrichshafen Thursday evening.

He has created an impressive list of potential peaks (peak-lets) to activate along the way.

Alerts to follow covering HF CW and phone.



There’s 16 on the list I think. Mainly completes for me in HB plus some bonus summits in DL and F. F is a new association for Paul. None of them are exactly arduous or difficult. Nice pleasant walks in and around forests.

WX looks hot and very hot for HB9 with some rain Wed/Thu PM. Apparently 29C when we get to Geneva. Last year it was 36C which was horrific for an Eskimo like me. Off the cool plane into a warm but efficient airport. Then 15mins wait outside for the shuttle bus to the rental car pickup. I was melting by the time I got to the car :frowning:

I suppose I should pack my bag…


Wish I could be at the event! Would love to see your booth!

Why dont we have a booth at Dayton?

Kent K9EZ

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Karlo @9A3BKF. We are really very sorry. Unfortunately we don’t have any SOTA flags at the stand - except for those that belong to the stand itself. Maybe there will be one or the other at the RSBG or at another stand?!

73 Marcel DM3FAM

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No worries,if nothing else I’ll order from the webshop.

Karlo 9A3BKF


Hi Marcel,
Unfortunately the RSGB is not attending this year.
73 Ed.

Just as a reminder:

Group meeting time for activators and chasers Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 12:00 Localtime at the booth.

See you there :+1:

73 Joe


Red blob shows stand location in Hall A1

73 Ed DD5LP.

P.S. Those travelling PLEASE! be careful with the weather this evening (Thursday) - it is a major, major storm with flooding rains 5cm hail and some tornados that are coming through.