SOTA beer?

This was on tap in a hotel I stayed in recently in Weatherall.

Unfortunately it is only available locally.

73, Simon


Local brand in VK:


A beer in tribute to SOTA’s #1 summit!


Well given my summit today, my beer is on The Slate.

There are many local breweries here in the Lake District [my son works for one] all making excellent beers. This beer has to have a special mention as it commemorates Alfred Wainwright whom G/LD SOTA and WOTA activators and chasers have much to thank.

Cheers! Andy


Any photos lurking around of the SOTA beer that was commissioned a few years ago?

I’m a fan of beer but, it might be because I’m grumpy an old now (in my 40’s), the beer brands all seem boring. I absolutely loved Badger Golden Glory but unfortunately it was discontinued, the brewer claimed sales were low, but the supermarket shelves never seemed overstocked and there’s often social media posts asking for it’s reintroduction.

I do enjoy Saltaire Blonde, which is brewed around the corner from my old work place (Salts Mill in Shipley (Saltaire)).

An old colleague of mine has a brother who was a founder of Northern Monk brewery, I’ve never tried their beer but they do seem to do a few ‘themed’ ales. A quick look on the website reveals a beer called Helvellyn and another called Striding Edge.

I find Wainwright ale a little unexciting.

73, Colin

Are you expecting your beer to send you to heaven and back?

ShortWave Pale Ale from Phillips Brewery, Victoria, BC, Canada. ??
Note the transmitter on the top of the mountain!


Wesser Evil Porter
Wesser Bald Summit - W4C/WM-058

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Boring? Take it from a genuine OF (80 next year) that the beer scene has never been as vibrant as it is now. There was a time when there was virtually no real ale, all the pubs sold bland pasteurised fizz, until the CAMRA guys started to make a fuss. Now there are hand pumps everywhere and a huge variety of styles for every taste.

Back to the main theme: a few years ago I walked into the Old Dungeon Gill in Borrowdale and they actually had a lager on a hand pump. It was called Schiehallion, and though I am not a lager drinker I had to try it in homage to GM/CS-005. It was sheer nectar!

You’d be surprised at how good some lagers are Brian. Like you, I’m a real ale man, and so is Jimmy @M0HGY . Before our activation of Gun G/SP-013 on Sunday, we called in at Wincle Beers microbrewery and really enjoyed their superb Helles lager. (Which was not a million miles from a fruity pale ale TBH).

BTW Brian, you don’t look a day over 78.


Not all of it was bland Brian some were just bl**dy disgusting! Do you remember Younger’s Tartan Bitter? We used to reckon it tasted the same on the way down as it did on the way up :nauseated_face:

Neither do I but I’m only 63 :-s

It really wasn’t that good, and was indistinguishable from McEwen’s Special, but it was outdone in a downward direction by Double Diamond - remember the “DD is K9P” badges?

Tom, the trouble with lager for me is not the flavour, it is always too cold and too gassy. The Schiehallion was at cellar temperature and not over-gassed and as a result I could appreciate its subtle flavours.

Thanks, Tom, I ascribe it to the preservative effect of good single malts!


Gentlemen, gentlemen, Don’t be so disparaging. There is no bad beer, but some beer is better than others. (Bit Orwellian for the literary buffs).

I enjoyed this after activating the “Old Man” of Coniston G/LD-013 on Thursday.


First thing after checking in at Black Sail having walked in from Seatoller via Windy Gap, back in 2011.

Didn’t manage to activate any SOTA summits on that holiday…

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Brian @G8ADD The Helles “lager” by Wincle Brewery is not cold or gassy - and it’s gorgeous. Like I say, it’d pass for a pale ale. A really good one!

That said, I’ll probably not be able to resist the Sir Philip ale on my next visit.

Had this after a sota activation in Ticino, Switzerland with Paul HB9DST.

Not sure what Hell means in English as the locale was a little like heaven…

Don’t forget the beer of the moment!

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