SOTA beer?

I had the following after activating GM/CS-005. I like the combination of a summit with a locally brewed beer!

I guess my problem is the fact that I hardly ever go in a pub, it’s just not part of my lifestyle.

The best beer I ever tasted was after a hard day’s grouse beating on the Lancashire border, I was getting a lift home from my mate and we happened to pass a cricket match in full swing, the clubhouse was open and serving beer. My mate said we should indulge in a pint. I’m not a fan of cricket, but we sat and watched the game in the August sunshine for a little while, the beer was awesome!

There’s an interesting beer shop in York called the House of Trembling Madness, I liked to call in there quite often but now I live near the West coast, York is quite a trek. We’ve just come by a free stay at any English or Welsh YHA ( I suggested Black Sail Hut :slight_smile: ) so we’re booked in at York in a month’s time. I will no doubt head to the beer shop :slight_smile:. The C19 situation is a worry, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

73, Colin

Hell means it’s a Lager beer.

73 de hb9fvk (ruedi)

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after 15km hiking to I/AA-138 Cima Rosa this was more than nessesary… 73 Olaf I/DL7CX/p
the summit is seen in the background…


Not tried this yet, maybe after an activation… or maybe tonight!

You can’t beat following something like this…


…with something like this…


EA8/TF-001 - 6th April 2015


Hi all,

After F/CR-245 13/09/2020

Beer “La Bête”, read The Beast !

73 Éric


Reminds me of my own crag-ratting days!


Mountain beers


We’re staying in Franklin next Friday. :slight_smile:

Schiehallion ? I am not normally a lager boy, but this lager, hopefully served with a hand pump, is jolly good ! Not done the SOTA activation but climbed the Munro.

Cheers ! Dave

Yes! That gets my vote - here’s one from my fridge. Their Bitter & Twisted ale is excellent too.

Cheers, Simon

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Highest summit in the world, beer not so good.

I brew my own, so I can call it whatever I like. Perhaps the next one will be Taum Sauk, for the highest peak in the state of Missouri.


Cheers :beers:

Bernard VK2IB


Hi all
I find this one on my local shop from F/AB-001

:yum: :beer:

73 Éric

That is the first time I have seen another beer using a “Grolsch” lid mechanism.

There must be literally hundreds of German breweries using those bottles Andy. I always bring a few crates back with me, firstly to drink, then to bottle my home brew.

Today is a good day… as I have learned something new. I’ve only ever noticed them on Grolsch before. Thanks Steve.