Request to activators

Dear activators, if you refuse to establish a QSO with me for any reason when I am in the role of chaser,

please let me know eg by email.

I would like to avoid groping and other frustrating experiences.

And I can add a list of activator stations in the hamshack that I won’t call from home.

Why am I writing these lines?

see the following two emails:

Email from me- google translation

Hi …,
to conclude at the end of 2021 what I do not understand and not have to return to it.
I’m not aware that I would do anything to you on purpose.
Still, you ignored my call on several hills (5).
I was not indifferent.
You had to hear me, the propagation conditions were excellent and my output was not negligible.
I admired your performances in the SOTA program.
Thank you for all the QSOs.
I won’t call you anymore.
I don’t expect an explanation from you.

vy73 and HNY Honza OK2PDT

one activator response:

Like most things in the world, the SOTA program is not perfect.
All QSOs (all mods are in one bag), most amateur radio contests compete separately in different categories.
Autumn, I asked you to be active in the SSB.
I also care about your tops.
I respect your telegraphy but you use ssb phone for s2s.
For other SSB hunters your activation is impossible.
As a hunter you use ssb so it’s not unpleasant for you
If you have a choice during activation, I have a choice during activation.
I respect those who chose only cw or use cw and ssb - they are friends of all hunters.
You can still be smart, but that’s not fair to me.
Good luck with your journey and many successful trips and satisfaction.
Remember to please other hunters in different modulations.
Ahoj …


I am over 70 years old and I feel wear and tear on my body and head (this is a simple statement, no compassion is needed)

For the remaining activations I carry the lightest possible loads and I can’t sit on the hill for more than half an hour.

And the occasional non-radio escort doesn’t have enough patience with me.

I log in to the mobile phone via the VK port-a-log application.

I prefer cw operation and somehow I manage pileup. I started with home-made TRCVs at SOTA and they only knew cw.

I can’t imagine a voice pileup when writing on a cell phone.

My friend Phil recently argued:

The activator bears all costs and time associated with the activation, including the associated risks.

Therefore, he has the right to choose modes, bands and everything related to activation. I agree with his arguments.

That’s why I turn to activators

as a chaser I use the band 30m, 60m, 80m, 15m, 18m, 24m, 2m but as an activator only 40m, 20m and sometimes 10m

as chaser I use cw, ft8, SSB, FM mode, but as activator only cw and exceptionally s2s-SSB

if you have reservations about the scope of my activations, you have the opportunity to tell me that you do not wish to be called by me when I am a chaser.

With best wishes, good luck vy73


P.S. Translated by google translator - formally it looks like English text, I hope even content.

Czech version

Prosba k aktivátorům.

Vážení kamarádi aktivátoři, pokud se mnou budete odmítat z nějakého důvodu navázat QSO když jsem v roli chasera,

prosím dejte mi to na vědomí např. emailem.

Rád bych se vyvaroval tápání a dalším frustrujícím zážitkům.

A mohu si v hamshacku doplnit seznam stanic aktivátorů, které nebudu z domu volat.

Proč píši tyto řádky?

viz dva následující emaily:

Email ode mne-

Ahoj …,
abych se závěrem roku 2021 uzavřel to čemu nerozumím a nemusel se k tomu vracet.
Nejsem si vědom , že bych ti něco úmyslně provedl.
Přesto jsi mé volání na několika kopcích (5) ignoroval.
Nebylo mi to lhostejné.
Slyšet jsi mne musel, podmínky šíření byly vynikající a můj výstupní výkon nebyl zanedbatelný.
Obdivoval jsem tvé výkony v SOTA programu.
Děkuji za všechna QSO.
Volat už tě nebudu.
Vysvětlení od tebe neočekávám.
vy73 a HNY

Honza OK2PDT

odpověď jednoho aktivátora:

Like most things in the world, the SOTA program is not perfect.
All QSOs (all mods are in one bag), most amateur radio contests compete separately in different categories.
Autumn, I asked you to be active in the SSB.
I also care about your tops.
I respect your telegraphy but you use ssb phone for s2s.
For other SSB hunters your activation is impossible.
As a hunter you use ssb so it’s not unpleasant for you
If you have a choice during activation, I have a choice during activation.
I respect those who chose only cw or use cw and ssb - they are friends of all hunters.
You can still be smart, but that’s not fair to me.
Good luck with your journey and many successful trips and satisfaction.
Remember to please other hunters in different modulations.
Ahoj …


Je mi přes 70 let a vnímám opotřebení těla a hlavy (to je prosté prohlášení , nejsou třeba projevy soucitu)

Na zbývající aktivace nosím co nejlehčí zátěže a nedokáži na kopci sedět déle než půl hodiny.

A občasný neradioamatérský doprovod nemívá se mnou dostatečnou trpělivost.

Loguji do mobilního telefonu přes aplikaci VK port-a-log.

Preferuji cw provoz a jakžtakž zvládám pileup. Já jsem na SOTA začínal s home-made TRCVs a ty uměly pouze cw.

Já si nedokážu představit hlasový pileup při zápisu do mobilu.

Můj kamarád Phil nedávno argumentoval:

Aktivátor nese veškeré náklady a čas spojené s aktivací včetné souvisejících rizik.

Proto má právo si zvolit módy, pásma a vše související s aktivací. S jeho argumenty se ztotožňuji.

Proto se obracím na aktivátory

jako chaser používám pásmo 30m, 60m, 80m,15m,18m,24m,2m ale jako aktivátor pouze 40m,20m a občas 10m

jako chaser používám mód cw, ft8, SSB, FM , ale jako aktivátor pouze cw a výjimečně s2s-SSB

pokud byste měli výhrady k rozsahu mých aktivací, máte možnost mi sdělit , že si nepřejete být ode mne voláni když jsem v roli chasera.

S přáním zdraví, štěstí vy73


P.S. Přeloženo google překladačem - formálně to vypadá jako anglický text , doufám, že i obsahem.


So sad! This sounds like child revenge on the part of that activator! As an activator I thank you for chasing me (sometimes with fantastic signals, other times just a whisper) and I assure you that if I could chase from my QTH I would return the favor!
HNY and I hope to see you again on the bands!


Dear Jan

I can’t believe what you’re writing… why would anyone deliberately not want to have a qso with you in your role as a chaser.

I then thought about how I operate and if someone could perceive my operating technique to be deliberately ignored. OK - I try to favour weak stations ( /p or QRP) … but none of that applies here. Of course people with good operating technique are more likely to get their way. (Yours is great by the way).
I too prefer CW as my operating technique and only do SSB occasionally. (like so many others) … that can’t be it. I’m right there with Phil and you.

Then I thought about what I would do if I had a reasonable suspicion of being ignored as a chaser.
Maybe I would contact the activator and ask why he ignored me… (if I’m quite sure he could hear me) ---- or maybe I would just stop calling him of my own accord.

Anyway, there are people everywhere who are not the brightest lights in the lamp shop…

Yes - it’s annoying! But on the other hand, you are sovereign enough to simply smile about such little brains.

I’m always happy to hear you!



Hi Jan,

I fully understand your pain following this response, thank you for bringing this kind of behavior to our attention.

It’s as if I said that the SOTA only in VHF are stupid because I am more than 1000 km from these summits, or why this DX is calling in EME when the moon is not visible from my house, or why does it only transmit in FT8 when I am not QRV, or more simply why does he use the CW when I have not made the effort to learn this one?

It’s childish to come to this :baby:

When I see these last 2 years that many activators have taken the step of the CW, Romain, Marcel, John, Stravos and I am surely forgetting others …

However, the activator remains in control of the course of its activity.

Merci Jan pour tous ces QSO, happy new year to you.

73, Éric

I’m now in one black list :crazy_face:


Hi Jan!
I am still new around here, having received my licence in the middle of last year. I have started as an activator, and even as a chaser, although with my current 10w limit, the latter isn’t too effective (and my home situation has put a temporary halt on activation). I am learning cw, but don’t yet have the skill to use it on air. Hopefully this year will see my first cw QSO.

My take on the situation you explain? Well, there are all sorts of people in life - don’t dwell on those who don’t add value to your life - just move on. If you want to use cw only as an activator, that is your choice - no one else’s. If they don’t want to call you, so be it. I am sure there are many out there who enjoy making the contacts with you as an activator or a chaser on cw, or any other mode you are using at the time.

Happy New Year, and best of luck with your 2022 activities. Hopefully I will catch you on air at some point!

73, Paul


Although the constraints placed on activators - especially when operating in adverse conditions - has been much discussed previously on this reflector, we shouldn’t assume those discussions have been read by the majority of chasers [who probably don’t even read this reflector].

It’s a truism but it’s impossible to please all chasers all of the time. By the practical nature of carrying radio equipment up mountains and sitting around often without natural shelter in wintry conditions, one has to be highly selective within the time available which bands and modes to use. Even in lovely summer weather - especially when we have long drive times and walk-to-summit times (or are activating multiple summits), most of us are limited to time spent at the summit. Hence, we are bound to disappoint some chasers.

For example, for my four most recent activations (in December and January), I carried, as usual, my HF rig and antenna. But it was so cold even wearing many layers of winter clothes and eating cake and other sugary food, my body temperature was dropping rapidly just standing or sitting there (sometimes with no shelter on a smooth summit, e.g. on the snow on Blencathra G/LD-008).

I have no problem keeping warm whilst walking but with sitting or standing, it’s hard. I put this down to age. I’m 70, even 20 years ago I could tolerate the cold better. So, I didn’t do HF. I’m lucky to activate where 2m FM is popular so I could qualify the summit in time before freezing. I feel bad about not doing HF [thereby denying Dx chasers that summit] but my personal safety must come first.

I would hope all chasers would realise we activators are not being selfish to make these choices. Fortunately, the vast majority do realise and are sympathetic.


Hi Jan,
In 40 years an Amateur I have never excluded a caller. On Sota I am however selective. I take S2s first, then /P then /M. But I would never intentionally not take a call. Power levels and operating technique may however favor some chasers. Many times I have worked OK2PDT.
Remember also this is just a hobby.


Hi Jan
I wonder if you you weren’t getting through and thought you were. I will explain, Yesterday I spent most of my time chasing on CW. I couldn’t get through to any of the usual activators who I usually have no problems with…I just couldn’t understand why. Then this morning I went to use CW again only to discover that my radio had turned the “Break In” off. So I wonder if the same happened to you.
All the very best 73 to you Jan


Just a little glimpse of your presence in the SOTA program should shame whoever answered you so stupidly.

17 X MG

rank #11 on Chaser Roll of Honour

Rank #6 on Chaser Unique summits

:clap: chapeau bas :clap:

73, Éric


I am guilty of many of the things above.

I often activate predominantly in CW and FT8, and just switch to SSB to collect S2S QSOs. That’s because CW and FT8 are my favourite modes, but I still like to get S2S contacts.

I am also guilty of not replying immediately to a chaser - this is in the circumstance that the chaser is calling too aggressively and/or over the top of me. When this happens, I mentally put that station to the back of the queue and work everyone else first. They still get worked though - eventually!

I have worked Jan @OK2PDT many times on CW and SSB. Sometimes it is me chasing his activation, many times he is chasing my activation, and there’s lots of logged S2S between us - both phone and CW.


I do not understand where is the problem? You are chasing activators. So, chase him/her :slight_smile: :smile:

What you showed us, Jan, is again the demonstration of the fact that there are people for anything in this World…
This childish behaviour has a lot to do with jealousy and immaturity…
Most of us know you are a great activator and chaser, but some simply can’t bear it. It’s their problem…

I know an activator who doesn’t want to hear my chaser calls and he either doesn’t respond to my calls or he does but then he doesn’t put me in his log.

I also know a chaser who doesn’t want to chase me when I’m activating.

It’s their choice and I don’t have any problem with that. I just DON’T GIVE THEM THE POWER FOR THEM TO RUIN MY DAY and that’s my advise to you.

I don’t give a dime for any of these two mentionned calls, so they don’t have any power to ruin my day at all. They have the same treatment from me and get ignored.

There will always be hundreds of SOTA participants, I for one :slight_smile: , absolutely pleased with a QSO with you.




Hey SOTA is just a funny game … :crazy_face: Keep cool… I QSO everyone only if my battery is full …


Ahoj Honzo,

The world is full of poor people who “know” your intentions better than you do and why you do what you do.
These people are “infallible” and will always pass the “right” sentence - I know something about that.

While some people believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, we know otherwise.

It was a great pleasure for me to meet you personally on OK/MO-002 and I hope that it was not the last time.

Thank you also for the many QSOs when you are a chaser.

I wish you good health and see you on the frequencies!

73, Jarek


Roger @F5LKW :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::+1:

1 Like

Jealousy is a terrible Vice Eric!

73 Phil G4OBK / OK8CDX


Dear Jan,
We have worked many times before, either both at summits, or as activator > chaser in both senses.
I have cristal clear that, despite the nosenses read here, like “you must activate on as many bands/modes you can to be a proper activator”, “you must stay at least xx minutes on each band you activate”, etc., when you are activating, YOU decide which band, mode, time of the day and /or how long you activate. There are a lot of aspects involved on this. Could be age, weather, family matters, work, etc. which can affect to when/where/how/how long you do activate.
Don’t be worried about these people who don’t care about your problems or simply your joy having some SOTA activity. Keep on your schedule, chase as you want, activate as you want, and let those others to whine, cry or judge your behavior. We (me at least) do SOTA to have fun. It is not a profession, a career, a job nor a compromise for results.
Always happy of making QSO with you,
73 ES HNY de Mikel EA2CW


Hello Jan @OK2PDT

Your callsign will be forever associated with SOTA. You are so experienced and know both sides - that of an activator and that of a chaser. If there is indeed such a person who doesn’t want to hear you… I don’t think you should worry about it. I agree with many of the comments before me about such persons.

For myself, I can only write that I enjoy every QSO with you. And if I can’t pick you up, then I really haven’t heard you.

See you soon again in a QSO :+1: It’s just a hobby and hobbies should and must be fun :slightly_smiling_face: :mount_fuji:

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Hello Roger,
Je vois que tu es déjè prêt pour le carnaval :rofl: :rofl:
Bonne année


Hello Jan,
You have chased me 33 times so far, all in cw.
I appreciate your smooth easy to copy style.
You know exactly when to send your callsign to be heard between all those strong American stations in my years.
A dx station like you is a extremely welcome in my log.
See you hopefully next Saturday hi!
73, Éric