Replacement Trophy

I found that edge lighting from the bottom displays the engraving. The LED base that I use is commonly used for illuminated callsign displays. Some transparent double-sided tape keeps the glass in place. How is that for bling?

73, Ward - WC0Y


Were I to make a really visible display for the shack, would go with a wooden base, incorporating several wall-wart-powered white LEDs along the bottom of the engraved glass piece. Would act as a night-lite as well!
After just going to the bottom and posting this, noticed WC0Y’s post; same idea, however, I would still go with white.
Best, Ken

Like this, Ken?

DIY stand made of two pieces of vee-shaped eighth inch thick plywood and either paper covering or painted.
… K6EL, former K6ILM


At some point in my life, I have consigned all my medals, trophies, awards… to the dustbin.

I’m not a collector of dust catchers, but I’m fine with new plaques. The old one always reminded me of a cushion - and that really suits a shack sloth better now.

73 Armin


I give you:- :smile: Mountain Goat wine:—

I told my stepdaughter there was a hiatus regarding the MG trophy. This is what she gave me for Xmas!! I’ll be drinking the contents later this evening - which I’m told is a decent wine and not smelly old goat flavoured…

I’m not sure Mrs P will let me put the empty bottle on the mantlepiece afterwards so I’ll be buying a proper trophy later on…


“A very strong smelly old goat flavoured Rioja……”

They really know how to sell it Dave (and it’s not the Rioja I object to :wink:).

“Grapes watered by goats”


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How many of the “old” blanks are left?

Ditto Armin, but my MG Trophy and Certificate are in pride of place in the shack on account of the amount of effort expended achieved in attaining MG using 2m/70cm on Unique summits. :grinning:

I have 12,000+ chaser points, but as this has been over a considerable period and I am not principally a chaser, I have never felt it necessary to obtain a Trophy or a Certificate for this. Judging by the amount of certificates and trophies shown on Facebook, I"m certain that I am in the minority and whatever Trophy is on offer, it will remain extremely popular.


The red fill really improves visibility.
Very nice.
BTW, TNX fer S2S yesterday.

Hello Gerald

I haven’t quite got away from it yet either… and I am also proud of what I have achieved!

Personally, I find the ability to get the certificate as a .pdf fantastic… and have printed some out and they hang on the notice board… and for me quite significant QSL cards on the fridge.

In general, it is much more important to me that the SOTA system is supported. And if that is possible via trophies, certificates or awards, then that is right and good! SOTA should not have to add anything to that.

I like to have a .pdf sent to me when I reach a milestone and update the printout on the notice board from time to time. - And it’s a good way for me to support the SOTA system as I always remember that I can combine this with a donation. This way I have also got some certificates… and the next ones are coming soon.

I think that as the cost of energy arise, so will the cost of the SOTA system… I personally find £3 for a pdf. Certificate extremely reasonable. I would also find £5 ok. (I’m transferring 20 anyway) … but now I’m bending the thread… but somehow it also fits.

73 Armin


None - and no more availability

These are the main sources of the income required to keep the database, reflector and other facilities alive. Merchandise helps a lot while the extremely generous donations received are extremely helpful.

Without an income source SOTA would have to rely on subscriptions and that is something we will not require - the SOTA programme is free for all to use