Red Screes LD-017

Bank Holiday Monday I stayed with my wife and son along with some family at the Queens Head in Troutbeck. i must say its a really nice pub and hotel with great rooms and great food and a free carpark for customers.

Anyway whilst my wife and family stayed in the pub on the afternoon I wanted to get out on a hill and so Red Screes was chosen. partly because it was a short walk and partly because it was close by.

My son and I set off from the Kirkstone pass car park at 3.33pm. The going was good with the odd cloud moving through giving a few minutes of light rain. it was the sort of rain that makes you think “shall i put my waterproofs on or is it going to stop?” i had already decided to put the over trousers on at the car to save any faf and thinking of them ont he way up. One of the clouds was long enough to cause the waterproof to be put on and subsequently the rain stopped.

The walk itself isnt too bad, its quite steep but not too bad, its the last 1/3 or so that you think your at the top and it just keeps winding and going up. Theres a couple of small hairy moments for my son as he doesnt like exposure and there is quite a drop from the path down to Kirkstone pass, but it was all passed without issue.

The cloud base was just above the summit but the clouds kept moving in from the West so we weren’t sure if we were going to get a view at all.

*here the sun is trying to burn through some cloud, I just happenned to take a pic at the right tme, think it looked cool.

We got to the top about 1.5 hours after setting off, but on your own you could probably do it in an hour easily.

On the top I posted an alert and called CQ on 2M with my yeasu Ft70D. A small flurry of QSOs followed and whilst I played radio Jamie was taking photos with his camera.

During the activation the weather did start to lift and some nice views including over to the sea was visible.

We had a table reserved for 7pm so we started to make our way back down. The weather was getting better the more we went down as these pictures show.


We arrived back at the car for 6.25pm

after a quick shower and change I enjoyed a nice Steak and patterd’ale pie with mash and veg followed by sticky toffee pugging and ice cream.

Thanks to all who came back to the call and sorry i didnt take any HF but it was a little bit smash and grab activation. I’m hoping to get out on HF at my next activation, which maybe Rogans Seat, but i might keep that for winter bonus season.

once i get the pics off the camera I’ll add a couple of shots he took from the top.

73 Anthony


Anthony. Many thanks for the Activation report. Very descriptive. Well Done Jaimie. Excellent Photography. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

Thanks for the nice report. The ledge that your son is photographed on is indeed unpleasant in wet weather. On descent I have generally opted to clamber down directly just before the ledge, rather than shuffle across a greasy slippery tilting ledge with a big pack.