QRT after five minutes ...

Hi all,

sorry to all the chasers that wanted to contact me today on Hochrettelstein OE/ST-057 but I had to go QRT only five minutes after I gave out my first CQ call.

The weather forecast promised rain and thunder in the afternoon, so I started my tour early. During the ascent it was very hot, sunny with a lot of humididy. This picture was taken before the first clouds appeared:

Earlier than expected and within 15 minutes the weather changed completely, when I arrived at the summit at 07:45 UTC the view was completely gone (sight less than 50m). A quick look at the rain radar promised rain and thunder within the next hour so after 10 QSO’s I decided to start going back. Actually I was almost running :slight_smile:

Shortly before I was back at the car it started to rain heavily. A good decision to abort the activation, a thunderstorm in an height of 2200m is no fun for sure.

Sorry again … but probably I will do another activation tomorrow (hoping for the thunderstorm to arrive later).

73 Martin, OE5REO


stunning scenary. excellent photo


Seeing your excellent photo while I am in the office hurts!

Wise decision to quit early!

Good luck for the next days. Hope you can be out again.
73 Heinz


Well Done MARTIN. The correct decision and now, You are able to try again because of that decision. I hope to be in your log soon. 73 de Paul. M0CQE.


So I was lucky to make the QSO! Thanks a lot.
73 Claudio


I’m sure regular readers of this reflector - if not chasers in general - will appreciate the myriad of circumstances that can force an activator to quit suddenly, or not to do all the bands/modes in his alert.

I was just fine this morning doing 30m CW with the summit of G/LD-043 more or less to myself when loads of tourists suddenly appeared - not surprising: it’s July, Hallin Fell summit is an easy 25-mins walk with great views. Some had dogs some off-lead and some wandering over to see my dogs. I had the leads to my dogs wrapped round each of my boots. My 10-year-old spaniel (left boot) doesn’t like most other dogs invading ‘our space’ and my daughter’s excitable 1-year-old sprocker (right boot) loves them. So all hell let loose. I’m trying to manage a load of CW chasers and the dogs are going crazy all round my rig, etc.

Summit of Hallin Fell
I had hoped to do other bands but it was time to cut my losses.


:rofl: i had the image in my head of you being dragged around the summit on your backside by two wildy excited dogs attached to your boots, and a very confused chaser thinking where did the qso go i didnt quite understand that last over? :rofl:


The webcam at Planneralm made nice pictures also:

Nice weather, but clouds already rising high …

20 minutes later …

Rain about 1 hour later …


Yes, a rapid change in weather in the mountains can happen quickly and not to forget the temperature differences. Even with our activations, it happened that we had to break off within a short time and could not make all frequency bands that we had set an alert for.
This was always a topic of conversation at HamRadio 2023 at the SOTA-Stand so I think all hunters understand it.
Jean-Pierre and Anita


Well done, the only right decision, make sure you are back down in time and safely.
We’ll hear back from your next activity.
73 Don


Right decision. it will still be there tomorrow Martin.


It’s a pitty, but safety first! Next time…

73, ON4ROB