Practice UR CW call recognition!

Here’s a useful link to watch and listen if you are learning Morse - it comes from Andre’s @F5UKL/P youTube video report (link) and I don’t want you to miss it. The CW callers start at 2:20 mins and run for 10 minutes.

An excellent practice session with Chasers calling - speeds varying from around 16 wpm to 28 wpm. Take a listen, look if you wish for help on screen, many regular Chasers calling, including me!

Thanks to Andre for another excellent video from the Pyrenees… it must take longer to produce the video than the activation takes!

73 Phil G4OBK


Obviously Andre prefers a lower frequency tone to me, but it was surprisingly easy to copy most of the calls sitting in the shack… how well I’d fare while being blasted with horizontal driving sleet on a cold GM summit, I don’t know. Ah well, there’s always “QRZ?” :wink:


Try this one also !