Gotcha, cheers Tom @M1EYP. I don’t use data modes but I do use an iPad mini for logging - I’m sure it’d do several activations without needing a recharge but I like the comfort of knowing I have the option.
Do both USB ports stay switched on continuously and independently of each other as long as there’s power coming in Ian @G7ADF? Looks like a good off-the-shelf solution.
That’s the kitty! Nice one Tim @G5OLD. USB A / C / PD is perfect, the barrel connector an absolute bonus. If I knew anyone near me with a 3D printer I’d badger you for the design - the PowerPole attachment is particularly neat though I’d be tempted to make it recessed. Sorry. Born hole-picker here.
Actually (since we’re already into the realms of fantasy) if I had a 3D printer I’d pull apart that digital wattmeter from my recent post and shoe-horn it’s guts into the same package. Might even find a market for that sort of thing.