Poles (as in antenna poles)

I have seen these being advertised elsewhere, I am not sure about the cost but they do look interesting

I could buy a drone for that price.

They must have some mark up on that.


Nice poles, Paul … but those prices? … you could buy a small transceiver for the price of some of those poles. Or did you check on the collapsed lengths of the poles, running at an average of 5 feet or more … not very handy for stuffing in the rucksack?


PS - Oops, Fraser, you just beat me to it!


Rob, that’s ok, we could buy two, or a drone and a rig. :blush:

TBH, It made me think about all those folk that used to make a living by having a van with a big Clark mast and sticking a canera on top for surveys, wedding photos etc. I winder what they do for a job now? Same as rope access workers (the ones who inspected pylins and oil rig legs) who have been replaced by drones.

Sorry for going off topic on your post @2E0CPX Paul. I will have a look at their website in detail. I need a permanent push up solution for home. Thanks for sharing the link.


I once had a great 15-meter aluminium extensible mast from Spiderbeam:

But it got “lost” at some point a few years back. Shame, really, it was very strong and durable, but to be honest I think it would be a bit of an overkill out on the balcony here :rofl: :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Cheers, Rob


That is akin to losing your car. It’s huge, and expensive, and silver. I was looking for something a little darker and less conductive. The hunt goes on.

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Seriously! I had no idea about the price! Cheaper to buy Moonrakers version


A bit expensive, heavy and bulky (collapsed) for me …
Try this with a fine wire :

Lakeside-5 travel 500 (5m) at Decathlon
40 cm collapsed, 322g …
exists in 3m (300), 4m (400), 5m (500), 6m (600) …
73, Bruno

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The travel pole will fit in most rucksacks

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Sadly Life’s a Breeze have no stock of poles and wont be getting any more. A fact that those of use who have one of their poles and would like another are very sad about.


do you plan to hang an antenna to the drone ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: