I see a lot of activation reports with plotting maps of their contacts. How would I create one of these? Is this SOTA software or 3rd party?
Hi Doug,
not 100% sure, but i think this is what you’re looking for:
73 Martin, OE5REO
That’s great thanks, but I’m getting this error on the page -
n/m fixed itself after retrying
You go to mapping (SMP) and assuming you are logged in and you have activation logs uploaded to the database, you select activation map, the you should see your callsign written in the Activator callsign box, then you select the period when the activation you want to see on the map took place, then you’ll see a list with all the activations by that callsign in the chosen period and finally you clic on the specific activation you want and ‘bang’ you’ll see the map with all the contacts made in their locations. You’ll find some of the callsigns in the activation log don’t have a QTH Locator and that’s why they are not shown on the map.
I guess it’s due to not filling that field when they first registered in SOTA.
Does anyone know how this SOTAmaps contacts map plotting facility determines the location of one’s contacts?
Is it from (a) his/her qrz.com entry, (b) the SOTA summit ref, if S2S, (c) the optional [lat, long] field in his/her SOTA account profile, if registered, (d) some other way?
All my [144MHz Backpackers contest] contacts today from G/LD-050 were /P and I have the Maidenhead locator for each of them. Is there anyway for SOTAmaps to pick up the LOCs from my SOTA log [e.g. in the comment field)?
Thanks Pom. I’m not familiar with these file formats. Looking on the internet, ADIF appears to be ackward to entry contacts manually. Example:
Is there an automatic method to generate ADIF from a simple [e.g. Excel] log?
ADIF is a popular logfile format. There are probably several excel converters, but I’m not into that. Maybe someone else has a hint for you.
I would rather convert the excel file to EDI/Reg1Test, which can easily be done manually(*). See the format and sample files here
(*) i.e., create an reg1test header with a text editor, sort the coloumns in the right order, export from excel as csv file with semikolon and copy-and-paste the data to the reg1test file.
It’s a mix of all of those, depending on if the chaser is a registered user or not. However, there’s a few places it can fall down between the lat/Lon entry and arriving in SMP that makes it not 100% accurate (95+ probably?)
I’ve had that sotamaps site not register some S2Ses and I can’t figure out why
Edit: will do, hello! Sorry, didn’t really address that properly to you
If you give me some specific examples via PM I can look into it
I experienced that same issue yesterday when I plotted my Saturday activation and none of my 22 S2S was displayed.
I’ll try it again later.
I’ve tried again with my Saturday’s activation and none of the 22 S2S are displayed.
Same with my Sunday’s activation.
For some reason, I’m always getting the No year-chart data message. Whose meanning is unknow to me.
After click on Accept, the Activation QSOs map is displayed but the S2S are still missing:
This is the map of my yesterday activation of EA2/NV-047.
Have your S2S partners entered their S2S log yet?
Hi Andy,
It looks like it’s not necessary that all my S2S partners had entered their activators logs for the S2S being displayed on my Activation map.
I have just tried it again with my Saturday’s activation and something has changed with respect to what I had before and yesterday:
1- I’m not getting the No year-chart data message anymore.
2- In the first moment, the map displayed like this:
3- After about 2 minutes waiting for the data to be fetched, the map got fully populated with all S2S and the red balls at the QSO partners location:
Everything seems to be OK now.
Big thanks Andy/Andrew and the IT crew.
Much as though I will accept your thanks, I have not done anything. I’ve never played with it before and I am getting lots of no year chart data messages.
You’ve overloaded it Guru with awesomeness clearly
I’ll have to switch into smash and grab activations from now on
Cheers Mark and thanks very much for chasing me from your non sota portable location.
In second map you got many more QSO
Edit : and other are no more in your map
un misterio
nice activation !
73, Éric
Hi Éric,
There’s no mistery: the first map is of my activation of EA2/NV-047 yesterday and the second map is of EA2/NV-079 the day before yesterday.