People from Andy's formative ....... Part 4

But Rolf wasn’t part of my formative youth so what’s he doing in here?

The cultural phenomenon of the Nutbush Dance had passed me by. Must be an upside down thing :wink:

The song is a bit of a belter however, I clearly remember it from when it came out in 1973. There wasn’t much worth listening to on the UK chart radio, that track was one of the few. I’m sure I saw a Motorhead cover version somewhere online on the the telly once.

Anyway, Tina is reunited with Ike again. Or maybe not :slight_smile:

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He was definitely part of mine!

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73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA


Because part of the tradition of this thread has evolved to be other participants guessing/anticipating who may have been in your formative youth when someone dies.

Cynics may ask what this thread is doing on SOTAwatch… :wink:


The clue is it being clearly marked as “off topic” :slight_smile:

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But we have to stay strictly on topic within this off-topic topic?

Not staying on topic in an off topic thread could cause a negative reality inversion. Or a time slip singularity :rofl:

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Or just a simple straight-forward boggle!

However, since we are here, I shall voice a few thoughts that I was mulling over while mowing the lawn in uncomfortably hot conditions. While he who should not be named (but initials RH) was not a first magnitude star he was a consummate entertainer and gave millions of people a lot of pleasure. Did that pleasure make his audiences complicit in his crimes? Of course not, so why feel ashamed as some are at having been entertained by him? Believe me, he was just the now visible tip of an iceberg. Rock, screen and stage personalities were well known for taking advantage of eager groupies without asking to see their birth certificates, go back in time and there were some really nasty personalities who are valued today for their music or art, but today would probably share RH’s cell. An obvious example to consider is Oscar Wilde who was imprisoned for his homosexuality at a time when this trait was regarded with great revulsion by the public - yet in a relatively few years his plays were once again being performed. Then there are various artists who were known in their time for paedophilia or worse, but today their canvases fetch astronomical prices at auction. I doubt that any of RH’s canvases will ever command such prices but I wouldn’t look away from one. RH paid the price for his crimes, the way of the world is that sooner or later that will be forgotten but his other side as an artist and entertainer will be remembered.

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You cannot compare Oscar Wilde to RH. Homosexuality has never been wrong but paedophilia has always been wrong (and always will be).

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Joy McKean has died. She was the wife of Slim Dusty and wrote many of his songs as well as being his manager. She was an accomplished entertainer in her own right. I realise that songs like a Pub With No Beer may not be as tragic to non Australians and it may have had no impact on Andy in his youth but hey why stay on topic.

Tina’s hits were played in women’s exercise classes across Australia for decades.



History does not support that statement.

I stand by my statement.

Well you could examine the accepted practices of classical Greece for a start, where a homosexual relationship with a minor was fully accepted by society. In this country the marriagable age for girls was 12 in medieval times. However, you may still say that was wrong, right and wrong are personal judgements, societies work on accepted/abhorred or legal/illegal.

Probably don’t need to be going down this road on here.


You’re probably right. Shall we leave it at that, Richard?


Do we all still think having a free-form “off-topic” option on this reflector is a good idea?

Yes. People need to stop being afraid of discussion. We don’t want to end up like a school board in Florida afraid to let their children see Michaelangelo’s David because he has a willy and is naked.


You’ve just amplified my concerns Andy…

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This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 100 replies. Continue discussion at People from Andy’s formative … Part 4 (Part 3).