Hi Andrew
I suggest two popular ones for the Lake of Lucerne area resp. Central Switzerland:
- Pilatus: Tomlishorn and Matthorn
- Ridge hike from Chlingenstock to Fronalpstock.
You can find a summit report for the Mount Pilatus summits here on the reflector:
Check out the reports of Paul, @HB9DST/AA1MI in English on his page of the HB9SOTA website. Paul is a good writer, you will love his reports!
- http://hb9sota.ch/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/SZ-017-Chlingenstock-SZ-018-Fronalpstock1.pdf
Paul advised also on Swiss cablecar summits on a further page:
So liaise with your XYL and the weather god, hi.
Enjoy, and vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ