No single S2S Entry in The New Database?

Hello Reiner, FISTS is a CW club that organise a number of on-air CW activities and you usually have to exchange your membership number, which I why I have it as one of the user defined fields in my log: so nothing to do with SOTA, but some nice friendly CW activities which I enjoy :slight_smile:

73 Jonathan

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Indeed, this is the first item returned in a google search for “Rumlog SOTA Export” (I did it yesterday for someone else with a similar ‘problem’).

Once you import the CSV, before you hit verify, you can edit the activation anyway, which would allow you to enter the S2S as per your usual workflow if you felt that way inclined.


I use pencil and paper, and have no such issues… works reliably and the battery cant die! :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers - Alan


Many kudos to the database gang! I just entered an activation and was happy to see that I can log an s2s without taking a deep breath and feeling my blood pressure rise. 73, Steve in Okinawa

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I use a little known feature in the sotamaps extras page to create my CSV files for upload - it’s on the “Create SOTA CSV” tab. I believe I’m the only person in the entire known Universe to use it, but that’s OK…

To enter a log manually (like many, I use a paper log when activating) , just choose “No file - manual entry” from the “Log file type” dropdown, click the “Add QSO…” button, and away you go. Hit enter to store an entry in the table; you can also make a few global changes to part, or all, of the table by marking some rows and click “With range…” button.

It’s not perfect, but it does the job well enough. You can at any time (pre-)view the CSV, or hit the “Save as CSV…” button to save to CSV: such CSV files are accepted as-is by the SOTA upload function.

At the time it was written, it would also handle ADIF and CSV files, but since handing it over to the SOTA MT a few years back, those functions appear no longer to work (it’s probably a file-path issue or something similar). But for manual inputs it’s still fine.

One nice feature is that the table of QSOs is saved to your browser’s local storage area as you type - come back the next day, and (as long as you haven’t cleared local storage!) the program will tell you it’s found a log, and will ask you if you want to load it into the table/list. Continue as usual…

Just my $0.02…



An update to my previous comments needs to be made here - I have abandoned the SMP extras page CSV file editor, in favor of the excellent FLE (Fast Log Entry) program which is quicker and much easier to use. I would recommend FLE to anybody here looking for a fast SOTA log entry.


FLE is indeed a good program, but I favour Saise SOTA by Alain F6ENO, I think for S2S and multiple activations on the same day it is easier to use.

Victor GI4ONL